TV <- read.csv("",na.strings = ".",header=T) TV$network <- as.factor(TV$network) TV$type <- as.factor(TV$type) TV$year <- as.factor(TV$year) # change contrast options before fitting models, this way Type III SS # from the car package will agree with output from SAS options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.sum", ordered="contr.poly")) TV.lm <- lm(rating ~ network*type*year, data = TV) anova(TV.lm) library(car) # this produces the results using Type II SS Anova(lm(rating ~ network*type*year, data = TV),type="II") Anova(lm(rating ~ network*type*year, data = TV),type="III") library(afex) library(emmeans) # the mixed function in the afex package produces a mixed-model analysis like that # produced by Proc Mixed in SAS TV.afex1 <- mixed(rating ~ network + type + network:type + (1|year) + (1|network:year) + (1|type:year) + (1|network:type:year), data = TV) summary(TV.afex1) nice(TV.afex1) emmeans(TV.afex1, ~network) emmeans(TV.afex1, ~type)