Arch 464 ECS

Midterm II

Spring 98

30 Multiple Choice Questions

1. If you were reading the IES recommendations for illumination
levels for an office in the first edition of MEEB (1936), they would be

A. lower than today's
B. about the same as today's
C. higher than today's
D. all of the above

2. An average lamp (50% last longer and 50% are shorter lived)
will have to be replaced soonest if it is illuminated daily for a

A. three hour period
B. ten hour period
C. sixteen hour period
D. twenty-four hour period (never off)

3. Air-conditioning was not used extensively until after

A. the incandescent lamp was invented
B. the fluorescent lamp was invented
C. the high intensity discharge lamp was invented
D. global warming was discovered

4. If a lighting scheme for a private office provided exactly the IES recommended foot-candle level, you would be assured that

A. the lighting is well-designed
B. decision making will be enhanced
C. no glare would affect computer monitors
D. none of the above

5. In a space with an average IRC and a single incandescent direct lighting fixture, the point source method would predict

A. less illumination than the actual amount
B. about the same illumination as the actual amount
C. more illumination than the actual amount
D. twice the illumination as the actual amount

6. Theoretically in a room like UCC 113 the luminous ceiling delivers equal illumination to all the desktops, while experimentation in classroom showed that the desks in the back row, closest to the luminous ceiling

A. received more illumination than the other desktops
B. received about the same illumination as the other desktops
C. received less illumination than the other desktops
D. received less than half of the illumination that the other desktops received

7. A photometric curve for the selected lamp and fixture is vital in calculating illumination levels when using the

A. point source method
B. plane source method
C. zonal cavity method
D. all of the above

8. When using the lumen method to calculate the number of fixtures required for illuminating the workplane in a room lighted by a luminous ceiling, the number of fixtures will be increased by increasing the

A. required footcandle level (FC)
B. coefficient of utilization (CU)
C. light loss factor (LLF)
D. all of the above

9. The best control scheme for electric lighting that is intended to be integrated with daylighting is

A. infrared occupancy sensors
B. photocells that control step-dimmed direct lighting fixtures
C. photocells that control continuously dimmed indirect lighting fixtures
D. any of the above

10. A daylighting scheme for a commercial building will save money because

A. employee health and productivity are improved
B. electric lamps are turned off or dimmed when daylight is available
C. the building's cooling load is reduced
D. all of the above

11. The portion of the evapotranspiration cycle that most effectively assures purity of water is

A. rainfall
B. percolation
C. runoff
D. evaporation

12. Pure, clean water is essential to its use in

A. hygiene
B. nutrition
C. recreation
D. all of the above

13. Human activities that have had negative impact on the purity of water include

A. agriculture and forestry
B. waste water treatment
C. paving and roofing
D. all of the above

14. If you site your mobile home park just outside the 100-year flood plain adjacent to and downstream from a rapidly growing city, chances are the mobile homes will be washed away

A. once in the next two hundred years
B. once in the next one hundred years
C. well before one hundred years are up
D. never

15. The sewer system of Paris, a nineteenth century marvel, provided

A. tertiary sewage treatment
B. secondary sewage treatment
C. a means to dump raw sewage into the Seine downstream of Paris
D. none of the above

16. Water is at issue in the western United States because

A. the area is mainly a desert
B. the area is subject to periodic droughts
C. new dam-building opportunities are severely restricted
D. all of the above

17. The source of ground water for a locale is known as its

A. watershed or drainage
B. water table or aquifer
C. lake or stream
D. none of the above

18. The ultimate water conserving toilet is a

A. low flush toilet
B. ultra-low flush toilet
C. valve flush toilet
D. composting toilet

19. Storm water runoff can be controlled by

A. dry wells
B. permeable paving
C. retention ponds
D. all of the above

20. Zen teaching demonstrates the value of

A. things
B. results
C. process
D. all of the above

21. A very inexpensive way to provide on-site potable water is

A. desalination
B. gray water recycling
C. a well
D. none of the above

22. If a roof is used as catchment for a cistern, the roof is best made of

A. metal with lead flashing
B. asphalt composition shingles
C. cedar shakes
D. none of the above

23. A fixture that is likely to be found in an European bathroom is

A. a clivus multrum
B. a bidet
C. a gateau avec creme
D. all of the above

24. The nutritional value of human waste is taken advantage by

A. composting toilets
B. constructed wetlands
C. both of the above
D. none of the above

25. Your choices for composting toilets include

A. clivus multrums
B. incinerating toilets
C. Alas-cans
D. all of the above

26. The juiciest target (largest percentage of use) for domestic water savings is

A. the toilet
B. the clothes washer
C. the dish washer
D. lawn watering

27. The least expensive source of potable water is

A. desalination
B. new dam/reservoir construction
C. new wells
D. more water conservation

28. Water from a utility sink should be considered

A. purple water
B. black water
C. gray water
D. white water

29. Among Barry Commoner's rule for integrated system thinking is

A. pollution is a sign of integration
B. nature can be manipulated
C. there is no such thing as a free lunch
D. none of the above

30. Malcolm Wells insists that a well-designed building will

A. be beautiful no mater what the environmental cost
B. not harm the environment
C. contribute to the well being of the environment
D. none of the above