Arup Campus, Solihull

Arch 580

English Green Building Seminar

Spring 2011

Case Studies (Archival info from earlier courses)

Each student will document one of the green buildings as a case study and present it to the class during the term. The oral presentation should be a powerpoint or similar.

The written case study should be developed in a layout program (In Design, Word (yuk!)) and printed as a PDF. We'll post these on the course web site so they will be available to you in England and before.

The document format is landscape layout with 1" margins. The text column is 6¾" wide (divisible into two 3¼" columns with a ¼" gutter. The graphics column is 2" wide. See format below:

The basic case study outline is:


  1. Project basics (see example above)
  2. Background and context
  3. Design intent and validation
  4. Key design strategies
  5. Performance studies
  6. Further information
  7. References
  8. Map and transportation options

A completed case study of the Druk White Lotus School is linked here to demonstrate format and content.

Web sites to assist in research:


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