2009-2011 NSF OISE Program: "Workshop on changes in surface and ground water in the Tarim River Basin, Urumqi, Xinjiang” OISE-0936264.
2008-2012 NSF Paleo-Climate Program. Collaborative Research Project: "Asian Ice Core Array (AICA): Reconstruction of Past Physical and Chemical Climate over Central Asia.” ATM-0754479 and ATM-0754644.
2008-2011 NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Program. Collaborative Research Project: "Diagnosis of Changes in Alpine Water Storages and Land- Surface degradation in Pamir Mountains and Amu-Dar'iya River Basin." #NNX08L68G.
2007-2010 NSF IPY Antarctic Glaciology Program. Collaborative Research Project: "2000+ Year Detailed, Calibrated Climate Reconstruction from a South Pole Ice Core Set in an Antarctic - Global Scale Context." #AP0636475.
2007-2011 NASA International Polar Year Program. "Estimation of seasonal snow cover and glacial area changes at the Ob/Yenisey river heads during the last 50 years using NASA ESE products and in situ data." #NNX07AQ676.
2005-2012+ CADIP (Central Asia Deep Ice-Core Project). An International Project based on multi-national funds
2005-2008 NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Program. Estimation of seasonal snow cover and glacial area changes in central Asia (Tien Shan) during the last 60 years using NASA ESE products and in-situ data.
2003-2006 NSF, Effect of Changes in Climate, Snow Pack, Glaciers, and Permafrost on River Runoff in Tien Shan, Central Asia. ATM-0233583 (report 0.7 Mb)
2003-2004 INEEL, Education Outreach Activities in Global Climate/Environmental Changes and Vadose Zone Science and Technology
2002-2003 National Geographic Society Research Grant, Dynamics of southern monsoons and regime of the south-eastern Tibetan glaciers(report 0.4 Mb)
2000-2005 NSF/DOE, Paleo-climatic and glaciological reconstructions in Central Asia. ATM-9905670 and DOE-A107 (2004 report 1.6 Mb, 2005 report 0.5 Mb)
1999-2000 NATO, Long-term environmental changes in Central Asia
1997-2000 DOE, Glaciological and meteorological monitoring at high altitude snow-firn fields (1998 report 0.5 Mb, 1999 report 0.5 Mb, 2000 report 2.8 Mb)
1997-2000 NSF, Simulation of Snow and Glacier Runoff in Central Asia Alpine Watersheds. ATM-9711491 (report 0.9 Mb)
1996-1997 JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) award, Dynamic of precipitation in Central Asia and Japan in relation with the global climatic change
1991-2000 NASA, Glacio-Hydrological Regime in Central-Asian alpine basins. Present state and future trends in water resources


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