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New Canvas Course Request

Canvas by InstructureDON'T fill out this form to request "for credit" courses. Courses taken "for credit" are automatically generated in Canvas several months before the start of a semester.

New Canvas Course Request - UI Employees Only

* Required Fields

* Your Name (First and Last)


(select one)
* New
[PREP] Share Content     (NO students, submissions, or grades)

[PREP] Empty Course        (NO students)

[UIDAHO] Empty Course   (Students ALLOWED)

Share Content
Empty Course
Empty Course

Use to share course content with another instructor without sharing past student work or grades.

Use to build/prepare your course content, as needed. Use Course Copy to transfer this content into your "for credit" course.

Use for non-credit needs such as workshops, peer collaborations, or communications. Someone in a Teacher role is responsible for adding all student enrollments. The Primary Teacher must be a full-time UI employee or working for the UI in a teaching capacity.


Instructors should be mindful of policies regarding FERPA.
Test your knowledge by taking UI's FERPA Tutorial.