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Fall 2024

  1. Discuss Like Never Before: Engage in New Canvas Discussions (28 min) | Handout | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  2. Mindset Matters: Fostering a Growth Mindset in Higher Education (55 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D.
  3. Panopto Video Platform: Getting Started (Part 1) (40 min) | Handout | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (Panopto)
  4. Panopto Video Platform: Intermediate (Part 2) (1 hr) | Handout | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (Panopto)
  5. Panopto Video Platform: Advanced (Part 3) (30 min) | Handout | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (Panopto)
  6. A Better Way to Grade: Making Rubrics in Canvas (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  7. From Ambiguity to Clarity with TiLT: The Power of Transparent Teaching (1 hr) | Douglas Habib, Ph.D.
  8. Streamlining Navigation in Canvas Mid-semester (30 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  9. VR Activities: Scratching the Surface of Virtual Reality for Teaching (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW)
  10. What Can the Instructional Design Team Do for You? (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. & Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW)
  11. Productive Struggle: Building Students' Resilience and Deep Learning (1 hr) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D.
  12. Chat With Me: Engineering Effective Prompts for AI (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (AI)
  13. Opening the Door to Accessibility in Your Videos for all (30 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW)
  14. Make the Most of your PDFs with Acrobat (30 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW)
  15. Authentic Learning: Making Education Meaningful (1 hr) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D.
  16. Meet the Easy Canvas Accessibility Checker, Ally (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  17. The Canvas Template You’ve All Been Waiting For! (30 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  18. Assess to Progress: Formative Techniques for Effective Learning (1 hr) | Douglas Habib, Ph.D.
  19. Inherited a Canvas Course? Learn how to Copy, Transfer, and Upgrade! (30 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)
  20. Old Word Doc, New Tricks: New AI features in Familiar Programs (30 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (WW) (AI)
  21. Creating Interaction in Your Course: RSI in Canvas (30 min)| Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Canvas)

Spring 2024 and Prior

  1. Fostering Interactivity in Canvas Part 1: Built-In Tools (32 min) | Jen Elbek, Ph.D. (WW) (Spring 2024) (Canvas)
  2. Fostering Interactivity in Canvas Part 2: External Tools (34 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (Spring 2024) (WW) (Canvas)
  3. Digital Activities to Enhance Formative Assessment (32 min) | Sean Quallen, Ph.D. (Spring 2024) (WW)
  4. Defining and Redefining Undergraduate Research at the University of Idaho (43 min) | Kristopher Waynant, Ph.D. (Spring 2023)
  5. How Scaffolded Learning Can Improve Student Performance and Simplify Your Life (24 min) | Carolyn Raynor, Ph.D., Douglas Habib, Ph.D. (Spring 2022)
  6. Reframing Faculty Feedback: A Better Way to Understand, Articulate, and Represent Instructional Effort and Advance Faculty Success (1 hr) | Debb Thorne, Ph.D., Rachel Halverson, Ph.D., Brian Smentkowski, Ph.D. (Spring 2022)
  7. The Utopian Classroom (50 min) | Kristin Haltinner, Ph.D. (Spring 2022)
  8. Pedagogy of Care and Kindness (30 min) | Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2 | Carolyn Raynor, Ph.D. (Fall 2021)
  9. Success Beyond the Classroom: How tutoring and peer-assisted study (SI-PASS) can help your students succeed. (50 min) | Slides | Handout 1 | Bart Sonnenberg, M.S., & TCS Team (Fall 2021)
  10. Trauma-informed Teaching and Learning (52 min) | Heather Maib, Laura Holyoke, Ph.D. (Fall 2021)
  11. Promoting Community and Dialogue in the Classroom (43 min) | Douglas Habib, Ph.D. (Spring 2021)
  12. Fostering Critical Thinking and Thinkers (1 hr) | Slides | Brian Smentkowski, Ph.D. (Spring 2021)



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