Zoom in Canvas (Instructor Help)

All Canvas instructors using Zoom to host live course meetings with students--and record these meetings for later viewing--should consider switching to the Canvas/Zoom Integration (a.k.a. Zoom LTI Pro) available in Canvas.

Note: This new solution REQUIRES you to schedule course zoom meeting(s) using the Canvas/Zoom Integration (a.k.a. Zoom LTI Pro) interface within Canvas.

The major benefit to scheduling Zoom meetings from within a Canvas course is that enrolled students, TAs, and co-instructors are given automatic access to course recordings saved to the Zoom Cloud. Students will be notified about each Zoom meeting and see a link to it in their Canvas Calendar.

--> Help for setting up Zoom Sessions without using the Canvas/Zoom Integration

Step One: Link to Zoom in your Canvas Course

Once setup, the Zoom Scheduling Tool's Cloud Recordings tab will contain a folder for each Zoom session containing links to all Zoom Recordings saved for that session.

Start this setup by choosing the left or right option below to link to the Canvas/Zoom Integration:

Add to Course Navigation Menu * Add to Canvas Module
  • Go to Course Settings
  • Select the Navigation tab from the top menu
  • Drag and drop the Zoom item up into the visible course navigation section
  • Press Save
  • Zoom will appear in the left Course Navigation Menu

Zoom shows in course left navigation menu

* preferred option.

  • Go to Modules
  • Press +
  • Use the pulldown to select External Tool
  • Scroll down and select Zoom
  • Scroll down and uncheck the box for Load in new tab
  • Press the Add Item button

Zoom shows in Course Modules

  • Click the "grey circle with a line through it" icon to publish the new Module container (e.g., Zoom Recordings). Do the same for the Zoom item added to this Module. Look for green circle, the "green circle" icon, to confirm both of these are now Published.

Step Two: Schedule Zoom Meetings from within Canvas

  • Click on the Zoom link in your course (added through Step One above) to pull up Zoom's Scheduling Tool.

  • CRITICAL STEP ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Schedule Zoom meeting(s) for your course by clicking on Schedule a New Meeting from within Zoom's Scheduling Tool in Canvas.

  • When recording a zoom session, be sure to Record to the Cloud. Note: It takes time for the recorded session to show up in Canvas after a recording has ended.

  • Access to the course zoom recordings is available through the Zoom's Scheduling Tool Cloud Recordings tab (circled in red below). The Zoom Scheduling Tool's Cloud Recordings tab contains a folder for each Zoom session containing links to all Zoom Recordings saved for the session.

  • You and your students may be asked to authenticate to Zoom when entering a session or when watching a Zoom Recording. Always select SSO (circled in red below) when signing into Zoom. Entering your email address and password on this page will not work with UI accounts! If prompted for a domain, enter uidaho.
  • IThe Zoom application will open in your default browser to complete the login process. Fill out your full email address and follow the prompts to sign in and authenticate to Duo using your UI credentials. More Info: Additional Login Help for Zoom.

Step Three: TIPS: Saving, Trimming, Troubleshooting, Etc.


Q: How do I setup Zoom recordings to be available on a permissions basis ONLY-- and not automatically available to every student in the class?

A: The Canvas/Zoom Integration is setup to automatically share zoom sessions with the entire class. If you wish to restrict which students are allowed to view each recording, do not use the the Canvas/Zoom Integration method. Instead, see the Q/A directly below for help in setting up Zoom sessions external to Canvas (i.e., without using the new Canvas/Zoom Integration). To share the Zoom recording with specific students, copy a shareable link (including a passcode) into your clipboard and then share that link & password via email with selected students.

Q: How do I setup a Zoom session external to Canvas (i.e., without using the new Canvas/Zoom Integration)?

A: Go to https://uidaho.zoom.us/ and login using your UIDAHO credentials. Follow the directions on the screen to set up a Zoom session. If you are recording the Zoom session, save it to the Zoom Cloud. Zoom sessions and recordings setup through https://uidaho.zoom.us/ can also be linked to Canvas Modules and Pages for student access. See the Q/A directly below for help in adding links for non-Canvas/Zoom Integration Zoom recordings to a Canvas course.

Q: Can I link directly to a Zoom Cloud Recording that was not setup using the Canvas/Zoom Integration?

A: Yes, link directly to a Zoom Cloud Recording from a Canvas Module or Page by following the steps below:

  • Locate the desired Zoom Cloud Recording from either location below:
    • Zoom Scheduling Tool's Cloud Recordings tab (in Canvas)
    • Zoom Cloud storage area (external to Canvas).
  • Click Share (located directly below the video).
  • Click  Copy to copy the link into your clipboard.
  • Navigate to the desired Module or Page in Canvas.
  • Paste the link (saved in your clipboard).
  • More Information: Managing and Sharing Zoom Cloud Recordings

Q: How can I retain zoom video recordings longer than 180 days??

A: Move Zoom Video (Zoom Recordings and Zoom Clips) to Panopto to retain indefinitely. For additional information on the U of I Zoom Storage Policy see Zoom Storage.

Steps to move a video from the Zoom Cloud to Panopto:

  • Download the Zoom video stored in the Zoom Cloud to your local machine.
  • Upload the local copy of the Zoom Video into Panopto.

Q: How do I recover a Zoom recording deleted through the Canvas/Zoom Integration?

A: Go to https://uidaho.zoom.us/recording. Click on the Trash Can Icon shown in the upper right side of the window (to the left of Document). The Trash Can view displays all your recently deleted Zoom Cloud recordings. Select a Zoom recording by clicking on its corresponding check box. Press Recover.

Additional Resource
How to recover a deleted cloud recording.

Q: How can I use Zoom for My Office Hours?

A: Instructors can create schedules for virtual office hours in Zoom. Once a schedule has been created, students can book appointments from within Canvas, and instructors can join these appointments from within the Canvas/Zoom Integration. In addition to creating schedules for individual courses, instructors can also create global schedules for office hours, which apply to all their courses.

Additional Resource
Using Zoom for Office Hours

Q: Where can I find additional help for Zoom?

A: The Collaboration & Classroom Technology Services (CCTS) team, which is part of the Office of Information Technology (OIT), supports the Zoom platform and has the most accurate information for all questions related to Zoom at the UI. Please visit Collaboration & Classroom Technology Services (CCTS) or email ccts@uidaho.edu for assistance.

Additional Resources
Zoom Links to Useful Features

Q: What is the FERPA Guidance for Class Recordings?

A: If you wish to record lectures for use in future semesters, you must take steps to comply with FERPA. Record the course lectures in such a way that the students' identity in the course is never revealed. (e.g., Avoid recording student faces and/or names.)

Additional Resource
FERPA Guidance for Class Recordings


Instructors should be mindful of policies regarding FERPA.
Test your knowledge by taking UI's FERPA Tutorial.