HWM Café Toxic HWM


Welcome! You have just entered Café Toxic. The room is noisy with heated conversations and the clanking of cups and dishes. You smell the mixed aroma of coffee and sweet pipe tobacco. You think it's too dark to read but you see a half dozen or so of your classmates huddled over steaming cups and scattered books and papers. You see people wandering between the refill pot on the counter and a yellowed bulletin board under a tattered sign that reads "Il buon tempo vera!" One of the folks at the table sees you and smiles and motions you to come over with the others. At the other end of the table, the loud one with the glasses shouts across the room, "We've been waiting for you!"

This is a public on-line forum for the ChE 470/570 class participants. You will find some class material, such as selected lecture notes or old exams, posted here. Class communication, such as homework or lecture related questions and responses is great, but do not be afraid to stand up on your virtual milk crate to tell us about what you are thinking. This area is for student to student discussion, instructor to class discussion and student to instructor discussion. For general feedback to the instructors use e-mail. Think of this as a Virtual Café of sorts, so do not be afraid to get a little off subject. Inspire critical thinking among your class! Show off! Demonstrate leadership potential! So kick up your feet and grab a cup of your favorite virtual beverage and tell the 470/570 world what's on your mind..

HWM Café Toxic HWM


Thanks to Bill Chin at Design i/O for graphics.

Send mail to gmoller(at)uidaho(dot)edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1995 Regents of the University of Idaho. All rights reserved.