Sadiq, R., M.W. Stock, D. Wenny, and R. Robberecht. 1998. An expert system for forest nursery management. AI Applications 12:41-50.

Abstract. In addition to silvicultural practices such as appropriate site preparation, technique and time of planting, choice of species, soil type and so on, quantity and quality of seedlings are two important factors for successful reforesting of cut-over areas, especially those that have been clear-cut. The controlled environment of an indoor container tree seedling nusery ensures reliable production of large quantities of high-quality seedlings. Propagation of quality seedlings in the numbers required needs intensive planning. Past information available from nursery records and knowledge accumulated through personal experiences play a vital role in the planning stages. We developed an interactive multimedia computer program that captures and integrates both documented and undocumented knowledge about forest nursery management. The program focuses on planning and implementing growing regimes that produce tree species common to the Inland Northwest - such as ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, western larch, western white pine, grand fir, Norway spruce, and western redcedar - in a single growing season. The program can be used as a teaching/training tool by students and novice technicians engaged in nursery management. It can also serve as an advisor for managers and technicians during the planning stages of a growing season.

This project was funded by the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program through the University of Idaho, College forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, Moscow, Idaho.