Computer-Aided Training (CBT) and Expert Systems

Goal oriented management and planning for forest nurseries: Interactive computer applications for effective use of forest resources.

Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) germinants two weeks after sowing into copper-treated styroblock containers (160/90, 160 cells per tray and 90 ml cell volume). Germinants can be seen lifting through the quartz grit top-dressing used to hold the seed against a peat:vermiculite (50:50 v:v) medium. The grit top-dressing is also used to prevent seed from splashing away during irrigation with acidified water. Cotyledons are beginning to convert light into carbohydrates.

Molly Stock, Professor, Department of Forest Resources
David Wenny, Professor, Department of Forest Resources

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Funded by the McIntire-Stennis Grants Program, USDA.

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