Summary of Professional Societies

Society of American Naturalists

Established 1867, with the purpose "To advance and diffuse the knowledge of organic evolution and other broad biological principles so as to enhance the conceptual unification of the biological sciences". This was the first major journal devoted to an ecological view of the natural sciences.

Ecological Society of America (ESA)

Established 1915, the Ecological Society of America was "Founded for the purpose of unifying the science of ecology, stimulating research in all aspects of the discipline, encouraging communication among ecologists, and promoting the responsible application of ecological data and principles to the solution of environmental problems". This was the first major professional society devoted to the science of ecology.

British Ecological Society (BES)

Established 1913, the purpose of the British Ecological Society is "To advance the education of the public and to advance and support research in the subject of ecology as a branch of natural science". This was the first major professional society in England devoted to the science of ecology. Also, this was the first major British journal devoted to an ecological view of the biological siences. Replaced the British Vegetation Committee, established in 1904.

The Wildlife Society

Established 1937, The Wildlife Society is "Dedicated to the wise management and conservation of wildlife resources of the world ... ecology is the primary scientific discipline of the wildlife profession". This society applied ecology to the management of wildlife according to ecological principles.

Society for Range Management

Established 1948, the Society for Range Management with the purpose "To develop an understanding of range ecosystems and of the principles applicable to the management of range resources". This society applied ecology to the management of wildlands and natural lands according to ecological principles.

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