Writing Assignment Negative Letter

Assignment Options:

Write either a Negative Letters to Superior  or a Negative Letter to a Peer/Subordinate based on one of the following

1) Best Option: Come up with and write a letter addressing your own worst-case scenario. Let me know beforehand¸ however, what you choose to address, if you choose this option (email me or drop by during conference times).

2) Managerial Option: Fire somebody. Nicely.  (letter to peer/subordinate)

3) Heartbreaker Option:  Break up with your fiance or whatever.  Normally this is best done face to face, but you are overseas and have met someone vastly hotter.

4) Idaho Option: During the peak of fire season, after a three week wild-lands fire tour, you and a couple other buds took a couple of the rigs into town "to unwind a bit".  Nudity ensued. Damages occurred. Arrests were made. (letter to a superior)

5) Reality Option: Tell your parents that you didn't get that dream job and you need to move back home.

6) Veterinarian/Ag Option:  Condemn a farmer's herd, pig farm, guinea pig ranch, whatever, to euthanasia due to some sort of disease.

7) Knocked-up Option:  All children are a blessing, but....  Tell your parents that you and your unemployed, heavily tattooed and pierced, dope-smoking, "some day my band will be famous" girlfriend/boyfriend/metrosexually-indeterminately-gendered-person-friend are expecting.  Or tell your boyfriend or husband you are expecting, and it damn sure isn't his.  Or tell your girlfriend you knocked up her sister or cousin or roommate or....  Or tell someone something equally inappropriate.

8) Teacher-Parent Option:  Not only can Johnny not read, but you are recommending that Johnny also be suspended for...x-ing in class, or in the schoolyard, or whatever wherever. It's your job to tell the parents. (letter to peer)

Assignment Guidelines:

Try to have fun with it, ok? Extra points if I laugh out loud.

OR if the content of your letter is serious, please let me know whether or not it is also true, so that I know whether or not to laugh or cry.

Letters must be Block Format with Letterhead (make your own personal or company letterhead, depending on the context).

Include a Subject Line.

These letters should not be over one page long.

All Letters Should Focus On:

1) Developing positive emphasis and you-attitude.

2) Leaving the reader a sense of freedom.

3) Leaving the reader feeling like he or she has been taken seriously.

4) Leaving the reader feeling as though he or she has been treated fairly.

5) Maintaining goodwill.

6) Basically presenting yourself as a decent, intelligent, kind person, regardless of the negative circumstances.