Imagining the Bronze Age

The Mycenaean or Bronze Age, ancient Greeks, flourished from about 1600-1100 BC and then somehow disappeared.  The war with Troy took place c.1200 BC.  "Homer" wrote the epics down c.800 BC, and, like many historical fictions, his telling represents his own culture, his own culture's methods of warfare etc., rather than that which took place 400 years earlier.

Like Homer we are also stuck visualizing Bronze Age Greek life via more "modern" artifacts, so what's below is really meant to help us imagine scenes from the Iliad and Odyssey rather than serving as some sort of accurate archeological record

Greek home 3d reconstruction:

Knosos in 3d

Virtual roman house: (from

Troy archeology website:

Mycenaean Artifacts, British Museum:

Greek triremes (c. 500 BC):