Drake 258

The Reformation and The Age of Enlightenment: understanding how a conservative/authoritarian religious movement lead to liberal democracy.

Why is the Reformation Considered "Conservative":

a) Anti Neo-Classical/Scholastic: Opposed to Scholastic application and study of Greco-Roman texts. For example: Anti-Copernicus: should read the bible, not the stars and Aristotle (a Greek), to understand the nature of the universe (Note that Catholic church was teaching Copernicus' (1473-1573) mathematical methods, despite their geocentric implications, but by the time of Galileo (1564-1642) the Church responds to conservative criticism of Scholastic principles); should find all Truth thru Faith, not Reason. 

b) Anti-Neo-Classical/Humanist or Anti “Neo-Paganism”: Opposed the re-emerging Greek belief the actions of the body naturally and properly expressed the humanity of the soul (see Michelangelo for example; anti humanist original goodness of man (vs. original sin).

c) Anti-Franciscan poverty:  Opposed to the emerging Franciscan-Catholic belief that adherents should imitate Christ and avoid worldly possessions. Instead see wealth as evidence of God's favor. (note that the Vatican was also of course opposed to this radical idea; all of Francis' original followers were burned alive; yet the idea could not be so easily squelched)

d) Pro-Aristocracy and Anti-Egalitarian/Democratic:  While Protestants challenged traditional Catholic power structures, the movement normally also maintained close allegiances to relevant national powers; power is not taken from the Papal Church-State to be given to "the people" but rather it is given to emerging Protestant Church-States.  Henry VIII is established as the head of the New, Anglican church, Luther will align himself with the German aristocracy, and Calvin will establish an actual Puritan theocracy, (serving as the model for soon to emerge Puritan/pilgrim colonies).

Why Did This Have Liberal/Democratic Consequences?

a) Individual Relationship to God: Protestants believe man finds god without the intermediary of Church: direct/personal relationship to God...and thus to all the word "God" (and the word of God) implies: Truth, righteousness, morality.  Luther argues for the inherent freedom of individuals to choose their own faith (this freedom will be seriously curtailed by Calvinism).
b) Economic Liberty: Protestants believe usury no longer a sin.  (historically, charging high interest for loans was a crime or sin among Romans; this belief was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church). This leads to an explosion in modern economic institutions.  Calvinist believe God will reward the devout with worldly riches.

 Capitalism, Colonization: Economic Liberty (modern economic institutions) in turn makes colonization possible, and takes colonialism out of the hands of church and aristocracy.  Distance breeds freedom, as evidenced by the American revolutions.
Rise of Independent Merchant Class: b and c change economic distribution of wealth and thus the distribution of power within the society; rise of non-aristocratic merchant class.  This class in turn will want a voice in governance. (strongest example: Dec. of Independence and the American Revolution).  NOTE: All of these also led to the downfall of Spanish and Papal Italian economic domination and led to a vastly more powerful Northern Europe and Britain.

Gutenberg bible and literacy: If man can find God without the church and If man finds God thru the study of Revelation, Then man should read the Bible. If man should read the Bible, all men (and women?) should learn to read.

    The advent of the printing press  (1450) makes this possible.

               Consider the implications of a literate society.

f) Revolution: Although authoritarian in nature, Anglican, German church and nation and Calvinism all established thru revolution against authority (Papacy) (consider relationship to Declaration of Independence)

g) Theological Diversity: Dissolution of single Christian religion spawns diversity of views within the emerging nation states, thus leading to civil wars and persecution and economic stagnation...Toleration (esp. as codified in our Const.) will be a DIRECT response to this.

h) Resulting Civil and Internecine Wars: Dissolution of single Christian religion spawns era of immense Christian-on-Christian violence, and this leads to the colonization of America by religious dissenters, who then must find common ground in order to form new nation (aka USA). See: English Civil War