I. Francis (Frank) Cheng
Electro-, Analytical and
Environmental Chemistries
B.S. 1982 University of Delaware
Ph.D. 1987 The Pennsylvania State University
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-89 Texas A&M University
Editorial Board: Microchemical
Journal (1997-2023)
Tel. (208)
Email: ifcheng@uidaho.edu
Back to the UI Chemistry Website
Biosensing with Polymerase Chain Reaction-Stable
DNA-Functionalized Magnetically Susceptible Carbon–Iron Microparticles,
Published in Analytical
Chemistry, October 30, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02978
Kailash Hamal’s UI
Alumni Award for Excellence, video.
Jeremy May – Winner of
2020 College of Science Research Expo.
(l-r) Mihael Okeke, Mathar Bashir, Dipak Koirala, Jhnonathan Plascenia,
Forrest Dalbec, Frank Cheng
Patents (Search - Patent Center - USPTO)
1. GUITAR, Graphite/Graphene from the University of Idaho Thermolyzed
Asphalt Reaction , US Patent 9691556 B2, June
27, 2017
2.Electrochemical Devices Comprising Carbon-Based Materials. Projected
U.S. Patent No. 10,804,041, Issue Date October 13, 2020. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10804041B2/en
3. pH Sensing Using Pseudo-Graphite, Patent # 11,327,046. Issue Date May
11, 2022, https://patents.justia.com/patent/11327046
4. U.S. Application No. 16/292323,
Technologies Using Nitrogen-Functionalized Pseudo-Graphite, https://patents.justia.com/patent/11415540 August 16, 2022.
5. Chemical Oxygen Demand Sensing Using Pseudo-Graphite, https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200284747A1/en
August 16, 2022
6. U.S. Patent Number 11,585,776 B2 , Chlorine Species Sensing Using
Pseudo-Graphite, https://patentsgazette.uspto.gov/week08/OG/classification/cpcClassGroup_G01.html
February 21, 2023
7. U.S. Application No. 16/292325, Technologies Using Pseudo-Graphite
Composites, https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/c6/9d/ae/fae1587a058f3c/US20200284749A1.pdf,
Issue Date 6/15/2023
8. U.S. Application No. 16/292322,
Using Surface-Modified Pseudo-Graphite, https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/c6/9d/ae/fae1587a058f3c/US20200284749A1.pdf
New 9. U.S. Application
18/473,769 on Sept. 25, 2023, “Carbon (GUITAR) Coated Magnetic Particles and
Methods and Using.”
Positions of Group Alums – Jeremy Foutch
(Schweitzer Engineering Labs, Pullman, WA), Isaiah Gyan (Intel, Oregon),
Kenichi Shimizu (Northvolt, Sweden), Haoyu Zhu (Postdoc, Boise State
University), Mark Engelmann (Pacific Northwest National Labs), Jose’ Morales
(BMC, Puerto Rico) Derek Laine (Industrial Consultant), Christina Noradoun
(Environmental Consultant), Simon McAllister (Arclin, Product Development
Manager) Yuqun Xie (Faculty Member, Huazhong Agricultural University, China),
Ryan Hutcheson (Pixis Labs, Portland OR) Rubha Ponraj (Hanyang University,
South Korea, Researcher), Edmund Wong (EPA, Chicago), Humayun Kabir (Lumigen,
Michigan), Francisco Ramirez (Marathon Oil Refinery, Washington), Kailash
Hamal (Intel, Oregon), Jeremy May (Waters Associates, New Castle, Delaware),
Dipak Koirala (Intel, Hillsboro, OR)
Research – Carbon materials for batteries, fuel
cells, ultracapacitors, sensors and water purification, rapid DNA analysis and
synthesis, antioxidants, biological oxidations, room temperature “combustion”
of persistent organic pollutants and the detection of improvised explosives.
UI - Physical and Chemical Characterization
*Scanning Electron Micrscopy (link 2), *ICP , *Mass Spectrocsopy, Lee Deobald, debaldl@uidaho.edu, 885-5893, *AFM, Confocal Raman Spectrscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering, Zeta Potential, Eric Aston (aston@uidaho.edu )
Research Links: Graphene/Graphite
from the University of Idaho Thermolyzed Asphalt Reaction-(GUITAR UI
Video), Publications, Graduate
Admissions Page, NIST
Chemistry WebBook
Course Links: Current Courses
303-307 Physical Chemistry Lab Fall Semesters
558 Electrochemistry Fall Semesters
Chem 454 Instrumental Analysis Spring Semesters
Chem 409 Proseminar Spring
504 Advanced Topics in Electrochemistry Spring 2020
112 Fall 2017
253 Quantitative Analysis
Fall 2016
Chem 254 Quantitative Analysis Lab Fall 2016
Links for Research
Students in my Lab: MSDS online, MSDS Information
Book - “Application
of Nano-Iron Particulates Processes for Environmental Remediation”, Sung Hee Joo and I. Francis Cheng, Springer, New York, March
Book Chapter
– CRC Handbook for Graphene Science, May 2016 “Chapter 18 Low-Cost and Simple
Method for Graphene Synthesis” Isaiah O. Gyan, Haoyu Zhu, and I. Francis Cheng,
Pages 343-360. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9123-3, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9124-0,
DOI: 10.1201/b19674-22
Peer Reviewed/Evaluated:
1. I.F. Cheng and C.R. Martin.
"Microelectrode Ensembles II. Ultramicrodisk
Electrode Ensembles Prepared By Incorporating Carbon
Paste Into A Microporous Host Membrane," Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 2163
2. I.F Cheng, L.D. Whiteley and C.R. Martin.
"Microelectrode Ensembles. III Comparison of Experimental And Theoretical Responses And Evaluation Of
Electroanalytical Detection Limits," Anal. Chem. 1989, 61, 762.
3. Thomas Mebrahtu, Jose F. Rodriguez,
Michael E. Bothwell, I. Francis Cheng, Del R. Lawson, John R. McBride, Charles
R. Martin and Manuel P. Soriaga. "Observations
on the surface of palladium cathodes after D2O electrolysis in LiOD solutions," J. Electroanal.
Chem. 1989, 267, 351. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0022-0728(89)80268-2
4. C.R. Martin, M. Tierney, I.F. Cheng, L.S.
Van Dyke, Z. Cai, J. McBride and C. Brumlik. "Nano and Microstructures in
Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Material Science," in the Proceedings of
the Conference for Nanostructure Physics and Fabrication, March 1989, College
Station, Texas, Mark A. Reed and Wiley P. Kirk Eds., Academic Press, San Diego,
5. I.F. Cheng, Jane M. Schimpf and Charles R.
Martin. "Microelectrode Ensembles IV. Sealing Defects Between Ensemble
Elements and Host Membranes with Octadecyltrichlorosilane,"
J. Electroanal. Chem. 1990, 284, 499.
6. I.F. Cheng and J. Jordan. "Light Assisted
Electrolysis of Water Using MoS2 Photoanodes Stabilized in a Cell with a
Liquid-Liquid Phase Boundary," J. Phys. Chem., 1991, 95, 3874.
7. Del R. Lawson, Michael J. Tierney, I.
Francis Cheng, Leon S. Van Dyke and Charles R. Martin. "Use Of A Coulometric Assay Technique To Study The Variables
Affecting Deuterium Loading Levels Within Palladium Electrodes." Electrochimica Acta, 1991, 36, 1515.
8. I.F. Cheng, "Estimation of Step-Wise Stability Constants for Aqueous
Tetramethylammonium-Hexacyanoferrate Ion Pairs." Analytica Chimica Acta, 1991, 251, 35.
9. Isabella T. Smalera
and I. Francis Cheng. "A Quantitative Detector For
Thin-Layer Chromatography Based on Voltammetry At A Pt Microwire
Electrode." Microchemical Journal, 1993, 47, 182.
10. Christopher P. Zhao, Malgorzata Galazka, and
I. Francis Cheng. "Eletrocatalytic Reduction of
Hydrogen Peroxide by Iron-Adenosine Nucleotide Complexes." J. Electroanal. Chem., 1994, 379, 501.
11. I. Francis Cheng, Christopher P. Zhao,
Andris Amolins, Malgorzata Galazka, Leon Doneski, “A
Hypothesis for the in Vivo Antioxidant Action of Salicylic Acid.” Biometals,
1996, 9(3)
285-290. http://www.springerlink.com/content/n824r25663213332/ doi: 10.1007/BF00817929
12. I. Francis Cheng, Quintus Fernando, Nic
Korte, “Electrochemical Dechlorination of
4-Chlorophenol to Phenol.” Environmental Science and Technology, 1997, 31(4)
13. I. Francis Cheng, Book Review of
“Electrochemical Phase Formation and Growth: An Introduction to the Initial
Stages of Metal Deposition” by E. Budevski, G. Staikov and W.J. Lorenz, ISBN 3-527-29422-8, Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 1997, 119(22) 5276.
14. I. Francis Cheng, Rosy Muftikian,
Quintus Fernando, Nic Korte, “Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia by Zero-Valent
Iron.”, Chemosphere 1997, 35(11), 2689-2695.
15. John G. Doyle, TeriAnn Miles, Erik Parker,
I. Francis Cheng. “Quantification of Total PCB by Dechlorination
to Biphenyl by Pd/Mg Bimetallic Particles.” Microchemical Journal 1999, 60,
16. Hwa K. Yak, Bernd W. Wenclawiak, I. Francis
Cheng, John G. Doyle, Chien M. Wai “Reductive Dechlorination
of Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Zero-valent Iron in Subcritical Water”
Environmental Science and Technology, 1999, 33, 1307-1310
17. Mark Engelmann, and I. Francis Cheng
“Elimination of Chlorinated Pesticide Interferences from Total PCB Analysis by
Rapid Dechlorination with Pd/Mg Bimetallic Particles”
LC-GC, 1999, 18, 154-160.
18. I. Francis Cheng, Kevin Breen “On the
Ability of Four Flavonoids, Baicilein, Luteolin,
Naringenin, and Quercetin, to Suppress the Fenton Reaction of the Iron-ATP
Complex.” Biometals, 2000, 13, 77-83.
http://www.springerlink.com/content/x731247414087135/ doi:
19. Mark Engelmann, John G. Doyle, I. Francis
Cheng “Total Dechlorination of DDT by Pd/Mg Particles
Under Mild Conditions” Chemosphere 2001, 43, 195-198
20. Ronald L. Crawford, Andrzej Paszczynski, Qingyong Lang, I.
Francis Cheng, Bruce Barnes, Tony J. Anderson, Richard Wells, Chien Wai,
Giancarlo Corti, Lisa Allenbach, Daniel P. Erwin, Joohye
Park, Touraj Assefi,
Mohammad Mojarradi “Defining and Describing the
Chemical Signatures of Life” Icarus, 2001, 154, 531-539.
21. Stephen Kariuki, Matthew Morra, I. Francis
Cheng “Analysis of Ionic Polysulfides by Differential Pulse Polarography”
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2001, 442, 277-285.
22. Jose’ Morales, Ryan Hutchinson and I.
Francis Cheng “Dechlorination of Chlorinated Phenols
by Catalyzed and Uncatalyzed Fe(0) and Mg(0)
Particles” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2002, 90(1), 97-108
23. Qingyong Lang, I.
Francis Cheng, Chien Wai, Andrzej Paszczynski, Ronald
L. Crawford, Bruce Barnes, Tony J. Anderson, Richard Wells, ,
Giancarlo Corti, Lisa Allenbach, Daniel P. Erwin, Touraj
Assefi, Mohammad Mojarradi
“Supercritical Fluid Extraction and HPLC-DAD-ECD Detection of Signature Redox
Compounds from Sand and Soil Samples.” Analytical Biochemistry, 2002, 301,
24. Umiker, K.J., M.J.
Morra, and I.F. Cheng. Differential Pulse Polarography of Sulfur Species in
Soil Extracts. Microchemical Journal 2002, 73, 287-297
25. Jose’ Morales, Ryan Hutcheson*, Christina Noradoun, I. Francis Cheng “Hydrogenation of Phenol by the
Pd/Mg and Pd/Fe Bimetallic Systems Under Mild Reaction Conditions.” Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2002, 41, 3071-3074
26. Ronald L Crawford, Andrzej Paszczynski, Qingyong Lang,
Daniel P Erwin, Lisa Allenbach, Giancarlo Corti, Tony J Anderson, I Francis
Cheng, Chien Wai, Bruce Barnes, Richard Wells, Touraj
Assefi and Mohammad Mojarradi
“Measurement of Microbial Activity in Soil by Observation of In Situ Dye
Reduction: an Approach to Detection of
Extraterrestrial Life” BMC Microbiology 2002, 2:22.
27. Christina Noradoun,
Mark D. Engelmann, Matthew McLaughlin, Kevin Breen, and I. Francis Cheng*
“Mineralization of Organic Pollutants by Dioxygen Activation Under Aqueous Room
Temperature, and Pressure Conditions” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Research 2003, 42, 5024-5030.
28. Mark D. Engelmann, Ryan Hutcheson, Kristy Henschied, Ryan Neal, and I. Francis Cheng* “Simultaneous
Determination of Total PCB and DDT by Dechlorination
with Pd/Fe and Pd/Mg Bimetallic Particles and GC-FID” Microchemical Journal,
2003, 74, 19-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0026-265X(02)00084-X
29. Robert T. Bobier, Mark D. Engelmann,
Terrance Hiatt, and I. Francis Cheng* “Variability of the Fenton Reaction
Characteristics of the EDTA, DTPA, and Citrate Complexes of Iron” Biometals, 2003 16: 519–527.
http://www.springerlink.com/content/r1115616623581v7/ doi:
30. I. Francis Cheng Book Review of “ACS
Symposium Series 837 Chlorinated Solvent and DNAPL Remediation Innovative
Strategies for Subsurface Cleanup” Susan M. Henry and Scott D. Warner Eds.” for
the Journal of Environmental Monitoring (RSC), July 2003
31. Ryan Hutcheson, Mark D. Engelmann, & I.
Francis Cheng* “A Hypothesis for the Basis of the Pro-oxidant Nature of Calcium
Ions” Biometals, 2004 17:605-613
doi: 10.1007/s10534-004-1225-9
32. Ryan M. Hutcheson, Mark D. Engelmann‡, and I.
Francis Cheng* Voltammetric Studies of Zn and Fe
Complexes of EDTA: Evidence for the Push Mechanism. Biometals,
2005, 18,
doi: 10.1007/s10534-004-5769-5
33. Mark D. Engelmann, Ryan Hutcheson and I.
Francis Cheng* Stability Of Ferric Complexes With
3-Hydroxyflavone (Flavonol), 5,7-Dihydroxyflavone
(Chrysin), And 3’4’-Dihydroxyflavone. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 2005, 53, 2953-2960
34. Christina Noradoun,
Chongkham S. Mekmaysy, Ryan Hutcheson, and I. Francis
Cheng “Destruction of Malathion a Chemical Warfare Agent Surrogate using
Dioxygen Activation at Room Temperature and Pressure” Green Chemistry (Royal
Society), 2005, 7, 426–430 http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/GC/article.asp?doi=b502860d doi:
35. “Kinetics of EDTA Degradation Induced by Dioxgen Activation in a Zero Valent Iron/Air/Water System”
Christina E. Noradoun, I. Francis Cheng* Environ.
Sci. Technol. 2005, 39,7158-7163. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es050137v
36. “The Destruction of Organic Pollutants under
Mild Reaction Conditions: A Review” Derek F. Laine & I. Francis Cheng
Microchemical Journal, 2007, 85, 183-193
37. “Cyclic Voltammetric
and Aqueous Equilibria Model Study of the pH dependant
Complex Reduction Potential” Kenichi Shimizu, Ryan Hutcheson, Mark D.
Engelmann, and I. Francis Cheng, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2007,
603, 44-50. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2007.01.027
38. “Electrochemical Characterization of Oxygen
Reduction by FeII[ethylenediaminetetraacetate]” Derek
F. Laine, Simon D. McAllister, I. Francis Cheng* Journal of Electroanalytical
Chemistry,2007, 608, 111-116 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jelechem.2007.05.012
39. Clive H. Yen, Kenichi Shimizu, Ying-Ying Lin,
Franklin Bailey, I. Francis Cheng, and Chien M. Wai, “ Chemical Fluid
Deposition of Pt-Based Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Application” Energy and Fuels Energy Fuels, 2007,
21 (4), 2268 -2271,
40. “Increase of Positive Active Material
Utilization in Lead-Acid Batteries Using Diatomaceous Earth Additives” Simon D.
McAllistera, Rubha Ponraja, I. Francis Chenga*, and
Dean B. Edwards Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 173, 882-886 doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2007.08.033
41. “Purification of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes Using a Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method” Joanna S. Wang, Chien
M. Wai,*, Kenichi Shimizu, Frank Cheng, John J. Boeckl, Benji Maruyama, and Gail Brown. Journal of Physical
Chemistry C, 2007, 111, 13007-13012 http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/asap.cgi/jpccck/asap/pdf/jp073374o.pdf DOI: 10.1021/jp073374o
42. “Electrochemical Detection of Triacetone Triperoxide Employing the Electrocatalytic
Reaction of FeIIIEDTA and H2O2” Derek F. Laine, Christopher W. Roske,
I. Francis Cheng* Analytica Chimica Acta,, 2008, 608,
56-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2007.12.003
43. “A Mechanistic Study of the ZEA Organic
Pollutant Degradation System: Evidence for H2O2, HO·, and the Homogeneous
Activation of O2 by FeIIEDTA” Derek F. Laine,
Alexander Blumenfeld, I. Francis Cheng Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Research, 47 (17), 6502–6508, 2008 DOI: 10.1021/ie701676q
44. “Water-in-supercritical CO2 microemulsion
for synthesis of carbon nanotube supported Pt electrocatalyst for oxygen
reduction reaction” Kenichi Shimizu, Joanna S. Wanga, Clive H. Yen, Byunghoon Yoonb, Chien M. Wai, I.
Francis Cheng*, Energy and Fuels 2008, 22, 2543-2549, DOI: 10.1021/ef800052b
45. “Detection of hydrogen peroxide and t-butyl hydroperoxide
via the electrocatalytic Fenton reaction.” Derek F. Laine and I. Francis Cheng,
Microchemical Journal, 2009, 91, 78-81.
46. “Electrochemical Detection of the Explosive,
Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine (HMTD)” Derek F. Laine and I. Francis Cheng,
Microchemical Journal, 2009, 91, 125-128
47. “Investigation on electrically conductive
additives to improve positive active material utilization in lead-acid
batteries” Rubha Ponraj, Simon D. McAllister, I.
Francis Cheng*, Dean B. Edwards, Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 189, 1199-1203
48. “Preparation of Pt coated Fe nanoparticle
supported by single-wall carbon nanotube by galvanic exchange. Selective reduction of oxygen over methanol
oxidation”, Kenichi Shimizu, I. Francis Cheng*, and Chien M. Wai, Electrochemical
Communications, 2009, 11, 691-694.
49. “Enhanced Reactivity of Superoxide in
Water-Solid Matrices” Olha Furman, Derek F. Laine, Alexander Blumenfeld, Amy L.
Teel, I. Francis Cheng, and Richard J. Watts, Environmental Science and
Technology, 2009, 43, 1528-1533. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es802505s
50. “Lead dioxide coated hollow glass
microspheres as conductive additives for lead acid batteries” S.D. McAllister,
S.N. Patankar, I. Francis Cheng and D.B. Edwards, Scripta Materialia 2009, 61,
375-378 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.04.021
51. Le Quoc Trung, Nguyen Duc Hung, Tran Van
Chung and I. Francis Cheng
“The reduction of 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol (TNR) using
zero-valent iron (ZVI)” Arch. Appl. Sci. Res. 2009, 1, 1-7
52. Van Chat Nguyen, Do Ngoc Khue, Van Hung
Nguyen, Tran Van Chung and I. Francis Cheng “ Photodegradation of
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, nitrobenzene mixtures in TiO2 suspension” Arch. Appl.
Sci. Res. 2009, 1, 65-73
53. Kenichi Shimizu, Joanna S. Wang, I. Francis
Cheng and Chien M. Wai “Rapid and One-Step Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotube-Supported Platinum (Pt/SWNT) Using As-Grown SWNTs through Reduction by
Methanol “ Energy
Fuels 2009, 23, 1662-1667
54. “Selective and Rapid Detection of Triacetone Triperoxide by Double-Step Chronoamperometry” I.
Francis Cheng and Yuqun Xie, Microchemical Journal,
2010, 94, 166-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2009.10.016
55. “Conductive Ceramic Coating on Poly
Acrylonitrile -Vinyl Chloride (Modacrylic) Discontinuous Fibers via Electroless
Deposition” Sunil N Patankar, Simon D. McAllister, I. Francis Cheng, Dean B.
Edwards, Journal of Power Sources, 2010 195, 362-366. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.07.010
56. “Heavy Metals Removal from Mine Runoff using
Compost Bioreactors” David Christian, Edmund Wong, Ronald L. Crawford, Francis
I. Cheng and Thomas
F. Hess, Journal of Environmental Quality 2010, 31, 1533-1546 DOI:
57. “Synthesis of graphene paper from pyrolyzed
asphalt” I. Francis Cheng, R. Allen Gonzales, Yuqun
Xie, Przemysław
R. Brejna, Jency Pricilla Sundararajan,
B. A. Fouetio Kengne, D. Eric Aston, David N.
McIlroy, Jeremy D. Foutch and Peter R. Griffiths Carbon, 2011, 49, 2852-2861
58. “Fabrication of Porous Hollow Glass
Microspheres” Yuqun Xie, Simon D. McAllister, Dean B.
Edwards, I. Francis Cheng, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 24, 10727-10730. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.07.049
59. “Sulfur as an Important Co-factor in the
formation of Multilayer Graphene in the Thermolyzed Asphalt Reaction” Yuqun Xie, Simon D. McAllister, Seth A. Hyde, Jency Pricilla
Sundararajan , B. A. Fouetio Kengne, David N.
McIlroy, and I. Francis Cheng Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22,
5723-5729. http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/jm/c2jm15934a
60. "Highest Measured Anodic Stability in
Aqueous Solutions: Graphenic Electrodes from the Thermolyzed Asphalt
Reaction" I. Francis Cheng, Yuqun Xie, Isaiah
Owusu Gyan, Nolan R. Nicholas, RSC Advances, 2013, 3(7), 2379-2384
61. “Investigating the Use of Porous Hollow
Glass Microspheres in Positive Lead Acid Battery Plates” Dean B. Edwards,
Matthew Sorge, Thomas A Bean, Travis Woodland, John R Canning, I. F Cheng,
Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 266, 498-511
62. “A Study of the Electrochemical Properties
of a New Graphitic Material: GUITAR” Isaiah O. Gyan, Peter Wojcik, D. Eric
Aston, David N. McIlroy and I. Francis Cheng, ChemElectroChem,
2015, 2, 700-706. DOI: 10.1002/celc.201402433
63. “Electrospun
Biocatalytic Hybrid Silica-PVA-Tyroinase Fiber Mats For Electrochemical Detection of Phenols” Dennis A Oriero, Isaiah O. Gyan, Benjamin W. Bolshaw,
I. Francis Cheng, B. Eric Aston, Microchemical Journal, 2015, 118, 166-175.
64. "Electrochemical Study of Biologically
Relevant Molecules at Electrodes Constructed from GUITAR, a New Carbon
Allotrope." Isaiah O. Gyan and I. Francis Cheng, Microchemical Journal,
2015, 122, 39-44., doi:10.1016/j.microc.2015.04.002
65. “Application of GUITAR on the Negative
Electrode of the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery: Improved V3+/2+ Heterogeneous
Electron Transfer with Reduced Hydrogen Gassing” C Humayun Kabir, Isaiah O.
Gyan, Jeremy D. Foutch, Haoyu Zhu and I. Francis Cheng C-Journal of Carbon
Research, 2016, 2, 13; doi:10.3390/c2020013.
66. “Electrochemical modification of a pyrolytic
graphite sheet for improved negative electrode performance in the vanadium
redox flow battery” Humayun Kabir, Isaiah O. Gyan and I. Francis Cheng*,
Journal of Power Sources, 342 (2017) 31-37
67. “Editorial: Batteries: Recent Advances in
Carbon Materials” C-Journal of Carbon Research, 2017, 3, 1;
70. “The sp2-sp3 Carbon
Hybridization Content of the Pseudo-Graphite GUITAR, Comparison of
Electrochemistry and Physical Properties with Other Carbon Forms and
Kabir, Haoyu Zhu, Jeremy May, Kailash Hamal, Yuwei Kan, Thomas Williams, Elena
Echeverria, David N. McIlroy, David Estrada, Paul H. Davis, Twinkle Pandhi,
Katie Yocham, Kari Higginbotham, Abraham Clearfield, I. Francis Cheng* Carbon
144, 2019, 831-840.
71. “Electrochemical Determination of Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) on Functionalized GUITAR Electrodes.” Humayun Kabir, Haoyu Zhu,
Ricardo Lopez, and I. Francis Cheng, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,
2019, 851, 113448
72. “Amperometric Determination of Free Chlorine on GUITAR
Electrodes” Humayun Kabir, Peng Yi Ma, Nicholas Renn and I. Francis Cheng, Talanta, 2019, 205, 120101
“Utilizing a Single Silica Nanospring as an
Insulating Support to Characterize the Electrical Transport and Morphology of
Nanocrystalline Graphite” Peter M. Wojcik, Negar Rajabi, Haoyu Zhu, David
Estrada, Paul Davis, Twinkle Pandhi, I. Francis Cheng, and D. N. McIlroy,
Materials, 2019, 12, 3794.
75. “Voltammetric pH Sensor Based on Electrochemically Modified
Pseudo-Graphite” Haoyu Zhu, Humayun Kabir, Jeremy May, Ricardo Lopez, Hailey J.
Smith, Nolan W. Nicholas, Prasanna Sankaran, David N. McIlroy, I. Francis
Cheng*, submitted to the Analyst, Analyst, 2020, 145, 7252 – 7259.
“Electrochemical Aspects of a Nitrogen-Doped Pseudo-Graphitic Carbon Material:
Resistance to Electrode Fouling by Air-Aging and Dopamine Electro-oxidation.”
Kailash Hamal, Jeremy May, Haoyu Zhu, Forrest Dalbec, Elena Echeverria, David
N. McIlroy, Eric Aston, I. Francis Cheng, C - Journal of Carbon Research, 2020,
6(4), 68.
“Nitrogen-doped Pseudo-Graphite as a Completely Stable, Metal-Free
Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction.” Kailash Hamal, Jeremy May,
Haoyu Zhu, Humayun Kabir, Aaron Austin, Elena Echeverria, David N. McIlroy, I.
Francis Cheng, Energy and Fuels 2021, 35, 10146-10155.
78. “A
Comparison of Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation and Evolution on Highly
Oriented Pyrolytic and Disordered Graphite Negative Electrodes in Lithium-Ion
Batteries.” H. Zhu, J. Russell, Z. Fang, P. Barnes, L. Li, C. Efaw, A. Muenzer,
J. May, K. Hamal, I. F. Cheng, P. Davis, E. Dufek,* H.
Xiong*, Small, 2021, 2105292.
79. “An
Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalyst Tuned for Hydrogen Peroxide
Generation Based on a Pseudo-Graphite Doped with Graphitic Nitrogen.” Kailash
Hamal, Dipak Koirala, Jeremy May, Forrest Dalbec, Nolan Nicholas, I. Francis
Cheng, August 2022, Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering 12 (5),
81. “Biosensing with PCR-stable DNA Functionalized,
Magnetically Susceptible Carbon-Iron Microparticles ”Dipak Koirala,
Forrest Dalbec, Jeremy May, Kailash Hamal, Peter B. Allen and I. Francis Cheng,
Analytical Chemistry, Published October 30, 2023.
May 8, 2023, Dipak Koirala, Frank Cheng, Jhnonnathan Plasencia, Micheal Okeke, Zaira Velasco,
Malachi Witherwax. Missing Forrest Dalbec.
November, 2021 làr, Kailash Hamal, Jai Earsley, Dipak Koirala, Jeremy May, Forrest Dalbec,
William Strub, Frank Cheng.