Interesting Links

Education blogs

Origin of the Cheng Family Name

Civil War Links

Theodore Roosevelt II

Books by Tom Wolfe

Books by Paul Johnson

The 1980's

Some people get nostalgic for the 50's and the 60's. The 1980's were my decade. I earned my B.S., Ph.D. and completed my post-doc during that decade. Some links.............

Byzantium (many of the links are no longer active, I am working on other links)

I have an interest in the Byzantine Empire. It was the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire that survived until the renaissance (1453). It's easy to call overbearing and complicated schemes "byzantine" but that term was invented by jealous western Europeans, who must been awed by the capital Constantinople. The Eastern Romans along with the Spanish Moors preserved ancient Greco-Roman philosophy, science, and math through the medieval and dark ages. A few links:

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