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Module 4: Locating

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4.3 Locating Your Source in the Library

cat·a·log noun: 1. a systematic, usu. annotated, list of books, merchandise, or the like that is available in or from a source such as a library or mail order merchandiser.

Wordsmyth Dictionary-Thesaurus, 2003.

When you don't find a needed source on the Internet or in a disciplinary database, a citation can be used to find the source somewhere else, typically in a library. The source for discovering what a library owns and where they keep it is a catalog.

The library catalog is a database of everything a library owns; but its records don't include article titles, and rarely include chapter titles. So, don't search for article or chapter titles. Search for book, journal, magazine, or newspaper titles.

Do's and Don'ts Sample
Sample periodical citation Croley, Steven P. & Jackson, John H. (1996) "WTO dispute procedures, standard of review, and deference to national governments." American Journal of International Law , v90 n2 193-213
Don't search the library catalog for ... "WTO dispute procedures ... " the article title. With what you have already learned about citations, you know where the article is published; it's in the American Journal of International Law, so ...
Search the library catalog for ... American Journal of International Law. This will tell you whether the library can provide access to the journal and where it's shelved. When you get there, you will be looking for volume 90, number 2, 1996.
Module 4
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