
Writing papers for introductory moral philosophy courses - Williams College - Cruz

Writing papers for introductory metaphysics and epistemology courses - Williams College - Cruz

UI Writing Center - 3rd floor Commons, offers help with papers
Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper - Jim Pryor - Princeton U. How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography
Research Process - info on research process UI slant How to Write a Literature Review 

Style and Grammar Links

The Elements of Style - Strunk Common Errors in English - WSU - Brian
Chicago Manual of Style - currently searchable for free if you sign up.  This is the best guide for all questions related to writing for publication.  Almost literally everything you ever wanted to know about style and documentation. Guidelines for Inclusive Language

American Philosophical Association http://www.apaonline.org/publications/texts/nonsexist.aspx

American Psychological Assoc. http://supp.apa.org/style/pubman-ch03.00.pdf

National Council of Teachers of English http://www.ncte.org/positions/statements/genderfairuseoflang

Chicago Manual of Style Online - requires subscription http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/16/ch05/ch05_sec225.htm

University of Toronto  http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/style-and-editing/unbiased-language


The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Grammar Checkers and Reading Ease Scales

Documentation/Citation Links/Using Sources

Dartmouth College Sources Page - tells why, how, and when to cite sources, and gives many examples. Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism: Documentation Guidelines - Duke University Library
Landmark Citation Machine - This "machine" automatically formats in MLA and APA  and Chicago (CMS)if you enter the information correctly. You can find it at For my classes, please use MLA or CMS (Chicago Manual of Style).  http://citationmachine.net/ Documentation Information - University of Wisconsin- Madison, Writing Center - Documentation including APA, MLA, Turabian/Chicago Documentation Styles.  Includes information on documenting electronic sources.

Get Zotero Zotero is free bibliography/citation software
Chicago Manual of Style -  This is the best guide for all questions related to writing for publication.  Almost literally everything you ever wanted to know about style and documentation. Citation FAQ

World Cat - in addition to information from multiple libraries, you can download citation references in several styles for items included in the catalog.

How to use WorldCat citations (YouTube)

University of Idaho Academic Integrity Website

Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Etc.

Oxford English Dictionary and Oxford Reference Online through the UI Library
Dictionary.com Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary and Thesaurus
Encarta World English Dictionary Thesaurus.com

All original materials copyright Janice Capel Anderson  2006 - 2011  All rights reserved.