Navagate the Course


The course includes tutorials, in-class discussions and exercises, a quiz every two weeks and a semester project with several intermediate product due dates.

Tutorials and Study Questions

The tutoriasl are the primary source of content for theory and techniques. The tuttorials require that you study consistently each week to assimilate the knowledge that you will need to suceed in developing the projection sections. There are a set of study questions at the end of each tutorial. These are the basis of the biweekly quizes. At efficient way to answer the study questions is to copy them to a word processing program and refer to them as you read the tutorial. Answer the question fully as you encounter the relevant material in the tutorial. The questions are in the same order as the tutorial content. You don't need to submit the study question answers to your professor but you should review them and the tutorial before each class meeting addressing the subject of the class meetings.

The biweekly quiz is intended to encourage consistent reading and study. It is primarily objective questions (mulitple choice, true/false, matching , etc.). You are to bring a number 2 pencil and a 200 question scantron answersheet to the first quiz. You will add to this answer sheet throughout the semester.


Most of the course content has beenn distilled from research material for you by your professor and presented through the tutorials. However, there will be a few supplemental journal articles that expand on the technical mateial presented on the web site. You will acquire these articles through the university library. There is a reference list provided at the end of each tutorial. You may use this as a starting point for additional information on subjects of interest to you.