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Geometric Design: Theory and Concepts

Horizontal Alignment

Horizontal alignment is a broad term that encompasses several aspects of transportation engineering. In this discussion, we will focus on the design of horizontal curves.

The key steps in the design of horizontal curves are listed below. This will serve as a guide, as you explore the remaining topics within the horizontal alignment section of geometric design.

1.)  Determine a reasonable maximum superelevation rate.
2.)  Decide upon a maximum side-friction factor.
3.)  Calculate the minimum radius for your horizontal curve.
4.)  Iterate and test several different radii until you are satisfied with your design.
5.)  Make sure that the stopping sight distance is provided throughout the length of your curve. Adjust your design if necessary.
6.)  Design the transition segments.

Now that you have a feel for the general design procedure, you can begin to explore the various steps within the procedure in greater detail. Feel free to return to this guide whenever you wish—it isn't hard to lose sight of the greater plan while battling the details.