Why does Rudolp have a shiny nose? : Dr. Chris Budd (University of Bath)
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Symmetry, reality's riddle: Dr. Marcus du Sautoy (University of Oxford)
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What's so sexy about math: Dr. Cedric Villani
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How juries are fooled by statistics: Dr. Peter Donnelly (University of Oxford)
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How maths can save your life: Dr. Chris Budd (University of Bath)
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A documentary on the Fibonacci sequence
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The fractals at the heart of African designs: Dr. Ron Eglash (University of Michigan)
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Mathematics in Movies: Dr. Tony DeRose (Pixar Studios) & Dr. Chris Budd (University of Bath)
Pixar: The math behind the movies - Tony DeRose
Maths goes to the movies - Chris Budd
Mathematics in Baking and that Perfect Glass of Wine: Dr. Eugenia Cheng (Art Institute of Chicago)
Baking with Stephen Colbert
The Perfect Glass of Wine
Mathemagic: Dr. Arthur Benjamin (Harvey Mudd College)
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