Dinitrogen Activation

Fe-doped MOF-N2 The activation and conversion of small molecules is one of the most active areas of research in inorganic chemistry. Efforts are directed at the development and charcaterization of novel systems that have potential to carry out such difficult transformations. The figure on the left highlights the interaction of a nitrogen molecule with a node in a Fe-doped MOF.

Brozek CK, Ozarowski A, Stoian SA, Dincă M; Inorg. Chem. Front., 2017, 4, 782-788

activated_dintitrogen Our interest in nitrogen fixation (the conversion of atmospheric N2 to NH3) stems from an earlier collaborative study of dinitrogen activation by a low-coordinate iron complex, a very unusual molecule shown on the right. Dinitrogen activation is the first and the most difficult step of nitrogen fixation.

Stoian SA, Vela J, Smith JM, Sadique AR, Holland PL, Münck E, Bominaar EL J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 10181-10192