Upcoming Events
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Previous Events
Movie Night
On Friday, November 15th the HFES Student Chapter watched the movie Pacific Rim as a group social.
Ron Boring Discussion
Ron Boring from INL came to campus on Friday November 8th to discuss internship and job opportunities with all chapter members. A proposal for a seminar was also discussed.
Waste Treatment Center
Chapter members got the chance to tour the local waste treatment facilities in Moscow, Idaho. This enabled them to see successful implementations of human factor designs and principles as well as identify issues that can be improved upon. Attendees got the chance to apply the knowledge they have gained in the classroom to a real world setting.

HFES Conference 2013
Eleven members of the Student Chapter traveled to San Diego this fall to attend the HFES conference. Three members gave presentations to conference goers:
- Zach Spielmen presented "Playing Charades With Your Car – The Potential of Free-form and Contact-based Gestural Interfaces for Human Vehicle Interaction"
- Thomas Ulrich presented "........"
- Mark Meyer presented "......."

All students attended presentations and poster sessions on various Human Factors topics as well as conversed with professionals in the field. This experience enabled them to learn about up and coming research and technology and to network and improve their future job prospects. Attending the HFES conference was highly beneficial as well as enjoyable.