WLF 448: Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology


I. Projecting population growth (density-independent):

A. Observe past trends in population size

B. Life-table approach (cohort analysis)

C. Leslie matrix approach

II. Leslie Matrix Approach

based on the multiplication of 2 matrices: Leslie Matrix × Population Vector

A. Leslie Matrix or Population Projection Matrix (denoted A)

where Fx = age-specific fecundity x survival
      Sx = age-specific survival rate
  1. Pre-birth pulse sampling (young-of-year not present): Fx = S0 mx

  2. Post-birth pulse sampling: Fx = Sx mx+1

  3. Birth-flow fertility: more complicated situation (we will not discuss)

Fx is used to calculate the number of recruits (young) in the next generation

B. Population Vector (nt )

C. Population Projections:

D. Post-birth pulse example:

Remember that Fx = Sx mx+1 in post-birth pulse sampling.

Age-specific vital rates for female component of population:

x nx Sx mx Fx
0 20 0.5 0 0.5 x 1 = 0.5
1 10 0.8 1 .
2 40 0.5 3 .
3 30 0.0 2 0.0
N0 = 100 --- --- ----

mx = average female offspring per female of a given age in the population

Leslie matrix (A):

Population vector (nt=0 ):

where 20 = young-of-year, 10 = one-yr olds, ...

n1 = Leslie matrix (A) x population vector (n0 )

nt=1 = x

nt=1 = =

Calculate population size and finite rate of change

N1 = 74 + 10 + 8 + 20 = 112

Lambda = Nt+1 / Nt = 112 / 100 = 1.12

Projecting population growth of both female and male segments of the population

We can make similar projections using both female and male components of the population if we have age-specific data for both sexes. The Leslie matrix becomes slightly more complicated when you include males (i.e., it incorporates sex-specific survival as well as information on sex ratio at birth).
Alternatively, we can double the population projection for females to estimate total population size (females + males). The later estimate is valid only if we assume a 50:50 sex ratio at birth and equal age-specific survival for females and males.

III. Assumptions of age-based Leslie projections:

  1. It is appropriate to classify individuals by age, i.e., properties other than age, such as size or developmental stage, are irrelevant to an individual's demographic fate.

  2. The discrete nature of the model discards all information on age dependency of vital rates within age classes.

  3. Fertility and survival rates remain constant, i.e., the environment is constant and density effects are unimportant. Note: stochastic Leslie models are possible -- we will use a stochastic-based Leslie model in a few weeks.

  4. Most demographic models are based on one sex, usually the female. The implicit assumption is that life cycles of the sexes are identical or the dynamics of the population are determined by one sex independent of the relative abundance of the other (e.g., there will always be enough males to fertilize the females).

IV. Advantages and Disadvantages of Leslie Matrices

A. Advantages of Leslie Matrix Approach

  1. Stable-age distribution is not required for valid population projections.

  2. Can conduct sensitivity analysis to see how changing certain age-specific vital rates affects population size and age structure.

  3. Can incorporate density-dependence, i.e., can dampen values in the matrix to account for density-dependent factors limiting population growth.

  4. Can derive useful mathematical properties from the matrix formulas, including stable-age distribution and finite rate of population change (i.e., lambda).

B. Disadvantages

  1. Requires a large amount of data (i.e., age-specific data on survival, fecundity, and population structure).

  2. In practice, the estimation of Fx is difficult at best (Taylor and Carley 1988).

V. In-Class Exercise

    Program LESLIE - instructions will be given in lab.

VI. Problem Set

VII. Application of Leslie Matrices to Columbia River Spring/Summer Chinook

VIII. Selected References

Revised: 19 August 2002