Project Description - Statistics 514 - Fall 2005

Collect a research-type data set and analyze the data using methods that are covered in our course. You should plan to use methods from at least two chapters in the text.   Get my approval before conducting your analyses. Your report is due in two parts. The first two sections of the project are due by Friday, September 16, while the final report is due by Monday, December 5, 2005. Your final report, which should be approximately 10 double-spaced typed pages in length (plus an Appendix with graphs, computer code, and selected computer printouts not to exceed 15 pages), will describe your analyses and should include the following four sections:

  1. The context of the study (no more than 2 pages).
  2. Describe the population from which the subjects will be selected. Describe the sampling procedure and the allocation of subjects to treatments, if applicable.

  3. These first two sections (listed above) are due on Friday, September 16.

  4. Present the results of the analyses.
  5. Discuss the implications of your results for this field, and compare your results to other published results. (Most of this should follow from your results and the background information in part 1)

Special thanks to Dr. Bill Mickelson, whose Stat 401 Project Description I have borrowed and adapted to make this Project Description.