The Zynq Book - Exercise 1A-C

The exercises assume that you have already completed Exercise 1A and created an empty Vivado Project ("RTL Project") called "first_zynq_design." Once you reach the part selection porton of design creation, select "Boards" rather than "Parts" and select the ZYBO. (The board definition file is used later in the exercise to allow automatic conneciton of board resources.) If you are using the ZYBO, make sure jumper JP5 (the Programming Mode jumper) is set to "JTAG" (see section 3 of the RM).

The only big variation I noticed when stepping methodically through the tutorial had to do with the launching of the SDK. The dialog box in Figure 1.21 has changed under our version of Vivado and there is no "Launch SDK" radio button. Instead, after you have successfully exported the hardware to the SDK select "File > Launch SDK" from the menu at the top of the window.

Update (Mar2018): When we updated Vivado and the SDK to 2016.4 the Gnu Debugger option (GDB) in the SDK stopped working correctly. Subsequent investigation reveals that GDB is being deprecated. As a result, students should instead use "Run As > Launch on Hardware (System Debugger) for Step (k) or Exercise 1C. (p. 33)


Dr. J

P.S. More Gotchas (see April Blog entries for more)

ECE 440 - [IP_Flow 19-3153] Bus Interface 'signal_clock': ASSOCIATED_BUSIF bus parameter is missing.