Honors: HST 102-02 World History since 1500

Spring 2002                                                                                                       Classroom: Niccol 208
                                                                                                                          Time: MWF, 8:30-9:20am
Instructor: Dr. Pingchao Zhu
Office Hour: MWF, 1:00-2:00, or by appointment
Office: Rm 315 AD
Office Phone: 885-7166, or 885-6253
Email: pzhu@uidaho.edu

Course Description
Welcome to the honors program in the study of the history of world civilizations since 1500. This course provides a global perspective in exploring topics in human developments.  Emphases will be placed on major regions of the world, selected cultures and traditions, interrelations and interdependence of societies and nations, experiences of peoples and individuals.  The objectives in this course are to encourage critical thinking, to understand the past from a historical perspective, to learn, to compare, and to reflect on various traditions and civilizations in modern world.  Students are encouraged to actively involved in critical thinking and debating issues under discussion.

William J. Duiker, The Essential World History, II, since 1500, New York: Wadsworth Publishing, 2002.

Course Requirements
    1. One mid-term examination             125 points
    2. One final examination                     125
    3. One in-class Presentation               100
    4. One case study package                 100
    5. Attendance                                       50

1) Examinations consist of identifications and short essays, which come mainly from lectures and assigned readings from the
    textbooks.  They are not cumulative.

2) In-class Presentation At least two students form a group and pick a topic from the list provided. Although format of the
    presentation is up to each group, it CANNOT be just a reading from notes.  The primary purpose is to present an issue, a
    theory, an event, or a phenomenon using various sources and layouts.  Students are encouraged to be creative in

    **Topics for presentation can be found in the course schedule under each week starting from the 4th week.  Topics
        followed by ** mean that they can be selected for presentation.  Although some weeks have more than one topic as
        choice, only one topic can be chosen for presentation per week.

    **Evaluation of the presentation will be conducted through peer review by the class.

3) Case Study Package requires students to gather information to build on a theme/topic relating
     to this course.  The package should include the following items:
        a. Introduction on the importance of your choice of the topic in the case study.
        b. Primary sources (at least Two) in the form of document or artifact with brief introduction to each identifying the
            significance, relevance to history, and special effect of the sources to the topic in the case study;
        c. Analytical questions (at least Three questions) to indicate what you expect readers to learn from this package and
            how you want them to think of the primary sources in relation to both the specific time period regarding the case study
            topic and interactive development in world history as a whole.   Questions can serve as the starting point for readers to
           establish relations between primary sources and historical significance of certain issues or events.
        d. Images (at least Two, pictures or photos) with proper captions;
        e. Maps (at least One map) relating to the primary sources or topic under discussion showing progression over time;
        f. Weblinks (at least Two): relating to the primary sources or topic in this project;
        g. Conclusion on how we can use information from 1-6 to better understand certain issues in history.
        h. There is no specific requirement on the length and format of this project.  Major text should be typed, wherever
            applicable.  Pictures or maps can be pasted, taped, or copied to the text or in individual pages.

Grade Scale
 A=500-450   B=449-400   C=399-350   D=349-300   F=299 & below

Course Schedule
Week 1  Jan. 14-18
               Introduction to the Course
               a. The setting of modern world history
               b. Theory of modernity
               d. Encountering the New World
               Reading: Duiker, Chpt. 14, pp. 503-508

Part I:  The Rise of the West, 1500-1763

Week 2  Jan. 23-25 (No Class on Jan. 21, Monday)
               Early Modern Europe
               a. The Renaissance
               b. The Reformation
               Reading: pp. 336-348

Week 3 Jan. 28- Feb. 1
              State Building: Theory & Practice
              a. Absolutism
              b. Absolute Monarch Louis XIV
              c. The English Revolution
              Reading: pp. 348-359

Part II: Western Domination and Industrialization, 1763-1900

Week 4 Feb. 4-8
              The Age of Revolution, I
              a. The Scientific Revolution**
              b. The Enlightenment**
              c. The Enlightened Monarchies
              Reading: Chpt. 18, pp. 437-439

Week 5  Feb. 11-15
              The Age of Revolution, II
              a. The Industrial Revolution**
              b. Social impact & Marxism
              c. The American Revolution & the Civil War
              Reading: Chpt. 21, pp. 460-64

Week 6 Feb. 20- 22 (No Class on Feb. 18, Monday)
              The Islamic Empires**
              Reading: Chpt. 16

Week 7  Feb. 25- Mar. 1
               The Age of Revolution, IV
               a. The French Revolution**
               b. Napoleon’s Empire
               Reading: pp. 440-451

Week 8 Mar. 4-8
              The 19th Century European Thoughts
              a. Conservatism, Nationalism, & Liberalism
              b. Unification of Germany**
              c. Russia in the 19th century
              Reading: pp. 466-484

Week 9 Mar. 11-15
              a. British & India
              b. Africa & Latin America**
              Reading: Chpt. 22
             Mid-term Exam on Monday

Week 10 Mar. 18-22, Spring Recess, No Class

Week 11 Mar. 25-29
                China: Eastern Civilization in Crisis, I
                a. The Opium War, 1839-1842**
                b. Nationalism vs. imperialism
                c. The Nationalist period, 1911-1949
                Reading:  pp. 532-543, 518-593

Week 12  Apr. 1-5
                 Japan: Eastern Civilization in Crisis, II
                 a. Tokugawa Japan, 1600-1868
                 b. Meiji Restoration**
                 c. Early Industrialization, 1868-1930
                 Reading: pp. 544-553, 594-595

Part III:  New World in the 20th Century, 1900-1999

Week 13 Apr. 8-12
                The Great War
                a. European pre-war mentality
                b. The Russian Revolution**
                c. Stalin’s Russia
                Reading: Chpt. 24

Week 14 Apr. 15-19
                Interwar Years
                a. The rise of Nazism and Fascism
                b. Japanese militarism**
                c. The United States
                Reading: pp. 602-616

Week 15 Apr. 22-26
                World War Two
                a. Europe Theater
                b. Pearl Harbor & Atomic bombs**
                c. War Atrocities: Holocaust & Internment Camps
                Reading: pp. 616-624

Week 16 Apr. 28-May 2
                The Postwar World
                a. Postwar Europe**
                b. Reconstructing Japan**
                c. Communist China, 1949-present**
                Reading: Chpts. 27 –28, & 32
                Case Study Package due on Monday

Week 17 May 6-10
                A New World Order
                a. America’s involvement in Asia
                b. The end of the Cold War
                c. New World Order
                Reading: Chpts. 29-31

Final Examination: May 13, Monday, 7:30-9:30am

**This course schedule is subject to changes by the instructor when necessary.