the Indigenous Axiom and its Contrast


Axiom:  primacy of the notion of the "family"

Acknowledge the kinship and interrelationship with all beings, and seek to participate in the world of “family.”

Structures not only spatial relationships, i.e., all interconnected, but also temporal dimensions, i.e., time is interwoven, cyclical 

The world is characterized by an inherent spatial and temporal connectivity, integration and kinship of all entities and beings - human, Animal, Fish, Plant, Water, Rock and Landscape, as well as Spiritual "Peoples," such as the Ancestors, and Spirit Guardians, as well as Animal Peoples and Creator itself. 


 Akin to Taoist notion of the Tao, and the Buddhist notion of paticcasamuppada – “dependent origination” –  that reality is a transitory (anicca) event made up of vast field of mutually influencing interplay of relationships.    


Contrast:    ?