Functionalist (societal) |
Functionalist (individual) |
Interpretivist - as exemplified by Clifford Geertz (1926 - 2006)
Clifford Geertz |
The research focus is on "thick description" of specific and richly texture cultural events, i.e., the detail of symbolic action and structures, and on eliciting and interpreting the symbolic meaning from perspective of the participants, i.e., an "emic" as opposed to "etic" (linguistic model). The shift to an emic from etic emphasis was influenced by the "Ethnoscience" theories of Ward Goodenough. Don't impose own categories and images, e.g., evolutionists.
As an emic perspective, acknowledge "relativism," a non-judgmental stance. No one religion is somehow superior to or more sacred then another, i.e., the peoples feel their religion is real and true, and the anthropologist is not in a position to questions one's beliefs as somehow true or false.
Concern about "interpreting" the meaning of a cultural event. Thus not concerned with issues of origins, evolutionary stages, or functions, either societal or psychological, nor about analysis and "discovery" of scientific truth or universal laws.
Functionalist (societal) |
Functionalist (individual) |