

By evaluating our data we found that heat loss through the uninsulated roof was not causing a major problem.  Even during night and early morning hours when heat loss through the roof would be most likely to occur, Hobos placed higher in the space recorded slightly higher temperatures than those placed at ground level adjacent to the thermal mass of the salvaged concrete floor and either straw bale or Faswall walls.

Overall Stookey's chicken coop is a good passive building.  Hobos placed at ground level record even temperatures throughout the day.  Even during days with outdoor diurnal shifts of upwards of 30 degrees, the floor level Hobo's showed shifts of only 13 and 17 degrees.

The Hobos located at heights of 7' and 3'-6" recorded much higher highs than those at floor level, often as much as 15 degrees higher.  In some cases spikes in the data can obviously be attributed to direct sunlight being admitted through the south facing clerestories.  Stratification of hot air is also responsible for higher temperature with increased elevation.

Because low temperatures within the space are generally 10 to 15 degrees higher than outside temperatures, we can assume that some of the heat generated throughout the day is stored within the building's thermally massive walls and  is being radiated to the cooler space at night.  


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