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Thermal Characteristics  



East Window
Dining Area 1
Dining Area 2
Center Wall
Artificially Lighted
Outside East Entry

Lumen Micro of Existing Space
Lumen Micro of Proposed Space 
Solar 5 Analysis of Existing Space

Solar 5 Analysis of Proposed Space

Day Temperature
Night Temperature
Dining Room Air
Lounge Air
Reading Light
Relaxing Light



     The following data was collected over a three day period in early March.  The blue line indicates temperature and the purple line represents relative humidity.  


     At first glance it seems that this chart shows a fluctuating amount of moisture in the air.  In reality, the amount of moisture is not changing much at all.  As the temperature of air rises, the amount of moisture that air can contain goes up.  This leads to low relative humidity during the warmer times of the day, and a high relative humidity when it is cold.   



     This data was collected right next to an west facing window.  A daily temperature cycle is still present, but much less pronounced.  This fluctuation of the interior relative humidity is due mostly to changes in the amount of moisture present in the air.  The spikes in humidity seem to occur shortly after mealtimes, and could be attributed to cooking in the kitchen which is nearby. 


     This graph is another typical temperature relative humidity cycles.  Note the less pronounced peak and that the peak occurs around noon.  This occurs because the temperature sensor was in the shade.  The temperature of the exterior masonry had to become warm before an increase in temperature could be detected.



     Increased humidity levels seem to occur shortly after mealtimes.  The spike in temperature is directly responsible for the dip in relative humidity, and was probably due to a thermostat being turned up for an excessive period.  This was selected by the residents as a popular location to relax.  These temperatures are probably lower than those experienced by the residents due to the sensors proximity to the cold winter window.  Be sure to look at the lighting survey for this space


     Surprisingly, the temperature fluctuates very little next to the east entry.  There is no reasonable explanation for the temperature spike.  Possibly it occurs due to tampering of the sensor with a lighter by one of the resident smokers. 



     A slight daily temperature cycle is noticeable in the living area.  These readings were taken at an area that was selected as one of the residents most widely used.  Be sure to look at the lighting survey results for this location