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The Bahá'í World Center Audio/Visual Department

Lights shine up through water flowing from one of the Terrace fountains as one of the channeled streams flows through it.


Water is also an important element in creating continuity throughout the Terraces.  Water is recycled from an internal system through fountains and streams.  On each terrace, water splashes from fountains into pools of water connected to streams on each side of the path.  To allow a continuous approach to the Shrine of the Báb, the fountains were placed on either side of the path. The streams, which flow through inset rock channels, run down the stairs between and over the terraces.

Water also adds to the peaceful environment by drowning out city noises which could distract pilgrims who often pray and meditate on their way to the Shrine.  To further accommodate prayer and meditation, side paths meander from the main path and marble benches are set, on each side of the terraces.  Large palm trees on each terrace provide privacy and shade to the bench areas.

arro.gif (933 bytes)   Upper Terraces

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Sheltered by low palms, pilgrims meditate on the terrace benches.


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