
Ancient Cities













Basic construction materials used in all types of building were timber, brick, clay mortar, clay tiles, stone, and metals such as brass, copper, and iron.
Strong building materials like lime, sand, glass were unknown in Nepal during those times. Hence the buildings were very weak in structure. Many of the ancient structures couldn’t resist the great  earthquake in 1937 and they were badly damaged.

Wood was abundant in Nepal. Almost one third of the country was covered by a heavy rain forest and therefore timber was the most popular and lavishly used building material. It was used for all the structural parts of the building such as the roof frames, floor, columns, beams, lintels, doors, and windows. The most common timber was from Sal trees, found only in subtropical countries. This wood is dark in color and strong enough to withstand centuries of weathering without doing much seasoning or painting. Later on painted woodwork became very popular, and the woodcarvings were painted with gaudy colors.

Brick and clay mortar
Except for some stone temples, brick and mud mortar was the only building material  used for the construction of the superstructures and plinths. Sun dried or firebricks were used. Since these structures were load bearing, very heavy and thick walls were required on first floor, with progressively decreasing wall thickness on the upper floor.
Special types of oil-glazed bricks, called Telia Inta, were often used for the façade work. They were put on top of the original wall, to increase the durability and the aesthetics of the structure. These bricks are trapezoid in shape for hiding the clay mortar within, so that the mortar is not easily washed away. Square flat types of oil-glazed bricks are used for paving plinths and inner courtyards.  

 only a few temples were built entirely of stome, however, stone was used to make special features in all of the temples.stones were mostly used to make sculptures of the deities and the guardians that are kept on the sides of the doors and steps. Sometimes stone was used for lintels, plinths, stairs, and the foundation.

Iron, brass, and copper were the common types of metal used for  the construction. Metals were mainly used to make bells, pinnacles and other ornamentation to the building rather than for structural purpose. In some temples, metal sheets are used for 
roof coverings and to highlight doorways


Stone sculptures in front of the temple

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