Extra Credit Six/ Chapter 10-- Your Childhood Emotions

Our emotional lives are strong and powerfully important elements of experience.  As children we must learn our emotions, learn to modulate and express them in appropriate ways, and utilize them as guides to our goals and wishes.  Parents play a key role in the socialization of early emotional expression.  Think back to your childhood and discuss how emotional you tended to be, what kinds of emotions you most commonly expressed, and how your parents responded.  Did they support exuberant expression or discourage it?  How did they handle your anger?  Your fear?  What did they do when you had nightmares?  Do you feel that you were given messages that unduly inhibited you or do you feel that you were given the space to express and explore your emotional life as a child? 

ype your response into a one page response.  If you don't respond fully to the prompt, you won't receive the extra credit.



developmental | adult development |home | psychology department
