


Emotion Exercise 1


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For this exercise I want to introduce you to the experience (and hopefully) the value of exploring your own emotional states using somewhat more creative and exploratory methods.  As you explore in this manner I will ask you to engage in 'introspection', that is observing and carefully noticing certain types of reactions.  Throughout the course we will perfect methods of introspection (also known as mindfulness) and come to increasingly understand their value in understanding and intentional action.

Eleanor Roosevelt said that to lead an enriched life 'one should do one thing that scares them everyday'.  She wasn't talking about doing dangerous or unhealthy things.  She was talking about small, meaningful interpersonal risks and trying new actions when we feel timid or constrained.  She was talking about stretching boundaries and stepping outside of self/ other/ societal imposed boxes or constraints.

Over the course of 3 days make a commitment to do one thing 'scary' each day ... take care to select things at the right level of challenge for yourself.  Stretch but don't overwhelm yourself.  And do nothing that is illegal or otherwise unhealthy or inconsistent with true and genuine positive personal growth.

As you encounter these small challenges,  notice your sensations (your body senses).  How does your body feel before, during, and after the challenge.  What thoughts or judgments do you notice.  What emotions are present or absent.  What was the overall impact of this experiment on you?

Discuss your experience in a brief paper -- describing what you decided to experiment with and the observations you noticed.   If you are so inclined you can add in a creative expression for this assignment --- write a poem that emerges from the experience, do a drawing or painting that somehow captures something important, create a small collage that captures the experience.  I encourage the latter as a way of starting to explore your emotional life with less verbal/ increasingly metaphoric processes --- this is an important way to explore and rediscover emotional experience that may have only been processed at the primary level.

Label this work as Emotion Exercise 1 with your name and the date.


Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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