


Emotion Exercise 4


horizontal rule


We are starting to explore important emotion regulation strategies.  Chapter 6 in the text provides an introduction into a number of strategies and describes the effectiveness of them.  For this exercise I want you to choose an area of your life where you currently feel that you are not coping effectively with your emotions.  It can be interpersonal/ academic/ athletic.  You choose the area --- but be certain that you choose an area that holds some challenges that are CURRENTLY active in your life.  A place where your emotions get the best of you ... so to speak.

Set a goal for working on this area in your life by experimenting with one of the following regulation strategies:

bullet20 minutes of relaxation for 2 days
bulletpositive reappraisal written down for 2 days (pg. 146)
bullet20 minutes of writing about the area for 2 days - integrating the words because/ realize/ understand/ know

You will need to provide a write up describing the regulation strategy you chose, what attracted you to that strategy, what you did, and how well you feel it helped you in this area of your life.  You will necessarily need to write some about the specific challenge so choose a topic that you feel some comfort exploring in the context of this assignment.  


Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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