


Homework Exercise 1


horizontal rule

(If you have not done this already) enter a 5-7 digit code that I can use to post your grades on the web.  It should be something you will recognize yet be confidential.  I will use it all semester to post your grades.  It can be any combination of letters or numbers you choose.  Note it must be the correct length or the system will not accept your submission.  If you've already done this from the schedule page, then
you don't need to do it a second time.


   First Name
  Last Name


horizontal rule

1. Which of the following best describe the role of 'adaptations' in evolutionary theory:
arise in a particular environment and are most relevant to that particular environment
arise out of genetic mutations/ accidents
when functional, aid the likelihood of survival
all of of the above are true of adaptations

2. is the social and physical environment that exert selections pressures on a species.

3. Field research conducted by researchers like Robert Sapolsky and Jane Goodall provide evidence that speak to which test of Evolutionary Theories of emotion:
adaptive value

4.  According to a recent theory, _______________ are orienting scripts that guide and prioritize cognitive problem-solving scripts when a human is confronted with a challenge or opportunity in its environment.
cognitive lenses

5. Evolutionary Theories does not presume that emotional adaptations will be universal:

6. There are no significant findings about the health and/ or social benefits of a smile that engages the 'crows feet' muscles around the eyes :

7. Which of the following is NOT associated with the work of Paul Ekman.
structured descriptions of facial expression
studies addressing the universality of basic emotions
identification of 20 basic emotions
interest in emotional deceit

8. Which of the following have been presented as evidence supporting Evolutionary Theories of Emotion
emotional displays that are similar in humans and primates
cross cultural evidence that all emotions have been demonstrated in all cultures
cross cultural evidence that emotional intensity is universal
definitions of what constitutes 'moral' behavior are universal

9. It has been largely impossible for researchers to clearly identify the types of situations that will typically evoke each of the basic emotions across a range of cultures.

10.    is a facial action that can be done with a pencil that has been shown to result in feelings of happiness.

Written Paragraph to be turned during class You've had the opportunity to think about emotional experience from an evolutionary perspective, hear the types of questions researchers ask and answer in this area, and even explore some of the unique findings.  In this assignment I want you to think about the following three emotions: Love, Pride, Shame.  The Evolutionary perspective argues that emotions, if evolved, will be functionally adaptive -- that is good for survival.  For each of the above emotions create a cogent argument for a possible 'functionality' for each of the above emotions.  That is, in what way -- during evolution -- would this emotion possibly have aided survival/ procreation and therefore have survived.  Type your response, keep it to one page or less.




Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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