


Homework Exercise 3


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horizontal rule

1. Our earliest scientists who focused on the brain attempted to explain emotion by
assessing the importance of the body's responses in the process
tried to establish which one specific brain structure was involved
realized that emotional experience was so complex that existing research methods could not answer important questions
were able to use MRI results to locate specific regions of the brain involved in emotion

2. is a brain structure that Joseph La Doux has implicated in the emotional response of (which emotion).

3. Which of the following brain scanning procedures involve assessing function of the brain
CT scan
fMRI scan

4.  According to Paul McLean and his theory of the triune brain, which of the following are NOT true:
different levels to the brain developed at different points historically in response to evolutionary pressures
the reptilian brain involves no emotion
the mammalian brain evolved primarily in response to the demands of complex social relationships
the cortex is intimately involved in emotion processing

5. Papez' early work to understand the brain's processing of emotion information has a great deal of overlap with modern theories such as that advanced by Joseph LaDoux:

6. The historical account of the accident experienced by Phinneas Gage has direct relevance to modern attempts to understand the role of the hippocampus in emotion:

7. If a research subject were shown a photograph of a rotting and badly decomposed animal carcass, which of the following regions of the brain are very likely to show activity:
basal ganglia

 8. Which of the following have been most closely implicated in addictions:

Question 9 and 10 and the instructions for the written paragraph can be found on the following PDF file.  Print out the file, complete the instructions and turn it in during class on the due date.  PDF:





Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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