


Homework Exercise 5


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horizontal rule

1. Which of the following would not be true of self conscious emotions:
they develop after a child develops a sense of self
they serve adaptive functions and are inborn and universal
they always involve an appraisal of the self
they can make us feel 'good' or they can make us feel 'bad'

2. is an emotion that involves a slight drop in self esteem regarding our 'presenting self'.

3. Which of the following would NOT be considered a self evaluative emotion.

4.  Shame is characterized by which of the following.
flushing of the cheeks is commonly a display feature
the feeling builds and resolves quickly
commonly leads to apologies and helping behavior
associated with ineffective social problem solving

5. Little Johnny uses his purple crayon on the white wall in his bedroom.  When his parent see it they express clear anger and disapproval and say "Oh for heaven's sake.  What have you done?  It is bad to color on the walls.  We will need to get out the 409 and clean this up right now.  You come with me and grab a rag from the closet to help."   Johnny is likely to feel shame in response to this interaction.

6.  Dr. Green, a published self-help expert, was on a talk show and claimed that there is accumulating evidence that the best way to treat serious transgressions of 'immoral behavior' in our culture is to create strong feelings of shame in the those people so they will be motivated to behavior more appropriately.  Based on our classroom explorations of the self conscious feelings rate his claim:

7. Which of the following emotions are purported to involve broad evaluations of the self as opposed to single behaviors?
pride and guilt
pride and shame
shame and hubris
guilt and hubris

8. An emotion regulation strategy that involves focusing on real but positive interpretations of how things will turn out is called:.
positive reappraisal
attentional control

9. People who deal with their negative emotions by vigorously venting them tend to
function at more emotionally mature levels
have more healthy romantic relationships
have more anxiety than average
none of the above are true

10.    is an example of an emotional escape strategy.

Written Paragraph to be turned during class:

In chapter 6 we have explored emotion regulation strategies.  This chapter painted a fairly complex view about the benefits versus costs of emotional suppression/ emotional exploration.  Write a paragraph that describes the full argument.  That is, discuss when suppression is harmful and when it is helpful and make a recommendation (based on material from the text) for the 'right' solution in terms of positive outcomes.




Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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