


Homework Exercise 7


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horizontal rule

1. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of having low positivity according the Barbara Fredrickon's work:
easily pulled into negativity
heightened immune response
rigid behavior patterns
feeling lifeless or burdened by life

2. effects explain why individuals feel greatest joy when they have outcomes that exceed their expectations.

3. Which of the following do not lead to enduring happiness.
amassing wealth in order to live comfortably
positivity ratio of at least 3:1 (positive: negative)
pursuing goals aimed at welfare of something greater than yourself
having positive, rewarding close relationships

4.  In the TED film showed in class where Dan Gilbert spoke about sources of happiness he argued that synthetic happiness.
is not as easy to generate when we have too much freedom of choice
is as beneficial to well being as natural happiness (that which occurs when we get what we want)
tends to be undervalued in our culture even though it is a powerful source of well being
all of the above

5. If your college yearbook photo showed you with a wide, genuine Duchenne smile, then (all things equal) we would expect you to have a post-graduate life where you were successful, happily married, and satisfied with life:

6. The anticipation of getting something we want is equally pleasurable (that is, stimulates the release of dopamine at the same levels) as actually receiving the thing we really want:

7. Which of the following is released in the context of skin to skin touch and seems to facilitate important forms of love:
endogenous opiates

8. Which of the following is NOT true of flirting behavior in heterosexual couples.
a common flirting behavior in women is a 'darting' glance or intermittent eye contact with an attractive partner
males and females exhibit about the same number of flirting behaviors overall
during interactions involving flirting males and females tend to match/ mirror non-verbal cues
the function of flirting for females seems to be to 'pace' the courtship process

9. In the adult attachment literature, 'love at first sight' is most commonly associated with:
avoidant attachment
anxious attachment
secure attachment
companionate love

10.    was found to the best or most prototypical example of love in Fehr and Russell's study of 20 forms of love.

Written Paragraph to be turned during class:  In our chapter on the development of emotion we discussed infant attachment and the parenting behaviors that tend to be correlated with each of the three attachment categories (secure, anxious, avoidant).  In the chapter on love and relationships it was suggested that adult romantic love can meaningfully be viewed as a form of adult attachment.  Write a paragraph outlining the characteristics (mention at least 2 or 3 key characteristics of each attachment style both infancy and adulthood).  Explicitly provide a meaningful discussion of why infant attachment style might be predictive of adult attachment style. 




Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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