


Homework Exercise 8


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1. According to Seligman's formula of Happiness (H=S+C+V), which element is MOST under our control:
emotional temperament
the circumstances of our lives
our attitudes about our past and anticipated experiences
Seligman does not think we have much control over our happiness

2. According to Hedonic Theory and work by Daniel Kahneman, the emotional aspects of which part of an experience seems to most strongly color the emotional tone of our memory for that experience .

3. Which of the following would Seligman recommend as a way to address the level of authentic happiness experienced in the present moment.
a focus on forgiveness
nourishing an optimistic outlook
exercising signature strengths in the purpose of meaningful goals
intensive focus on the details of hurtful experiences we've encountered

4. According to Seligman's work on optimism and pessimism, attributions or explanations are a key element in determining our overall outlook.  Which of the following dimensions of explanation would be INCONSISTENT with an optimistic outlook.
cause of negative events attributed to causes other than one's personality or personal attributes
cause of negative events viewed as relatively uncommon and fleeting
causes negative events viewed as far reaching and impacting many aspects of one's life
causes of negative events viewed as relatively delimited and impacting few aspects of one's life

5. According to Carl Jung one of the important ways that we recover and flourish in the face of difficult experiences in our lives is to find a deeper meaning in them

6. A long term study conducted by researchers at the Mayo clinic found no evidence that personality/ optimism significantly impacted long term health outcomes.

7. One study that examined the long term outcomes of a sample of Harvard grads and inner city Boston males found that in both groups all of the following predicted positive outcomes except:
ability to delay gratification
curiosity and love of learning
use of humor to cope

8. The ideal positivity ratio for ongoing health and well being is:

9. Which of the following orientations to work and/ or school would Seligman argue is consistent with the achievement of authentic happiness.
approaching work as a job
approaching work as a career
approaching work as a  calling
approaching work in such a way as to maximize wealth

10.   is a concept describing a human tendency to have a sense of dignity of human life--a feeling o
humanity towards others and self-esteem for yourself

Written Paragraph to be turned during class:
Seligman has argued that the pathway to authentic happiness is to apply your signature strengths on a daily basis in all the important domains of our lives.  Discuss Seligman's ideas as they might be usefully applied in the context of important romantic relationships.  Provide at least 2 specific references to ideas discussed by Seligman.




Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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