


Homework Exercise 9


horizontal rule



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horizontal rule

1. Which of the following are not component in the prototypical facial display of fear:
widened eyes
crinkled nose
open mouth
raised eyebrows

2. is a fear that appears to be inborn rather than learned.

3. The idea of preparedness for certain fears suggests .
an evolutionary basis to prepared fears
fear of snakes/ spiders/ heights as prototypical examples
prepared fears can easily be learned through modeling
all of the above

4.  The book discusses a study in which a difficult task was framed as a threat for some subjects and a challenge for other subjects.  These researchers discovered that.
heart rate increases under 'threat' but not under 'challenge' conditions
'challenge' conditions result in an active but also efficient cardiovascular response
both 'stress' and 'challenge' conditions help subjects efficiently mobilize their cardiovascular response
subjects under the 'challenge' condition showed the greatest increase in arterial blood presssure

5. Results cited in the book from a study of lie detection technology in 50 criminal cases found that the lie detector was accurate in detecting true criminals about 3/4's of the time:

6. According to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, it is necessary to attribute blame to someone in order to experience anger and agression:

7. Which of the following are NOT consistent with an appraisal that leads to the experience of anger.
the situation is unfair and interferes with goals
the situation cannot be changed
the situation came as a surprise
the situation was caused by someone else

8. In studies of anger that compare the responses of men and women, which of the following is not found.
men and women get equally angry
men and women get angry about the same number of times per day
men and women show their anger, when they are angry, at about the same rate
men and women express their anger with aggression at about the same rate

9. Which of the following is consistent with idea of core disgust.
it strongly activates a brain region called the insula
it reflects a violation of 'what is right or wrong'
it arises when we are evaluating our reaction to an immoral act
it has no correlation with experiences of moral disgust

10.    aggression is a form of aggression motivated by anger with an intent to hurt another.

Written Paragraph to be turned during class:  The book discusses fear and anger in chapters 7 and 8.  From those discussion provide a contrast of these two emotions.  Be sure to be specific in your analysis and mention differences highlighted in the book or lecture with regard to cognitive appraisal, physiological response, facial display, or any other features of relevance.  For full credit you will need to discuss at least three specific differences.



Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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