Multiple Choice Questions - Lesson 2

1. From the Junction Boys reading, identify what Coach Bryant developed to build the foundation of his team:

1a. Responsibility
1b. Respect
1c. Trust
1d. Loyalty action
1e. Fairness

2. What was the biggest lesson that Coach Pardee learned from Coach Bryant?

2a. Responsibility
2b. Respect
2c. Trust
2d. Loyalty action
2e. Fairness
3. Thomas Lickona quotes Aristotle - the ancient Greek Philosopher - in defining good character. Aristotle said, that good character is the life of

3a. Good conduct
3b. Good virtue
3c. Right Conduct
3d. Excellence
3e. Generosity
4. In order to answer these questions, make sure that you have read Reading 2. The word character is derived from a Greek word charakter, which originally was used to signify a:

4a. A lack of virtue
4b. Specific facial characteristic.
4c. Relative worth
4d. A mark impressed upon a coin
4e. Particular moral quality.

5. Moral character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of:

5a. Values
5b. Vices
5c. Behaviors
5d. Qualities
5e. Virtues

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