Lesson 9- Reading #2

The Servant

James C. Hunter, The Servant,  New York: Crown Books, 1998.

..."I looked up the first word, patience, and it talks about showing self-control in the face of adversity."

"God grant me patience and grant it now!" the teacher said with a smile.  "Is patience, showing self-control, an important character quality for a leader?"

...."The leader must model good behavior for the players, kids, employees, or whomever they are leading.  If the leader is screaming or otherwise out of control, you sure can't expect the team to be under control or behave responsibly either."

..."It's also important...that you create an environment that is safe for people to make mistakes without worrying about some crazy person going off half-cocked.  If you spank a baby who is learning to walk every time she falls, she won't think much about walking, will she?  She'll probably decide it's safer to just crawl around, keep her head low, and not take risks.  Just like a lot of browbeaten employees I know."

...."The leader has a responsibility to hold people accountable.  However, there are several ways to point out deficiencies while allowing people to keep their dignity."





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