Lesson 9- Reading #3

Leadership Fitness

Homer Rice:  Leadership Fitness.  Athens, Ga: Longstreet Press, 2004.

..Looking back to that ....I can see it would have been easy to give up on our goal.  Sometimes we nearly did.  There were frustrating moments, just as in any climb to gain excellence.  But we knew we would never find out what lay inside of if we did not strive to do our best and then some.  At times we held on by only a thread.  But we proved that we had to hang on together in order to regain the momentum to carry us to the top.  Each contest in life must be approached this way.

In sports, there comes a time when one team experiences frustrations and the members have to decide whether they will give up.  At that moment, the opposing team finds it easy to take control and claim victory.   But if we hang on, never lost our composure, and strive for excellence even through the darkest moments, we can win.  It may take until the last second, but even that final art of the contest is what we must prepare for.  We are in it for the entire game--for an entire life.

You must be a giver.  A person gets back from life what he or she puts into it.  In business, a person's earnings are measured by service.  To earn money we must provide more and better service.  conversely, earning will fall if we give poor service.  This principle holds in every form of human endeavor; it is true in our spiritual life, in marriage, in athletics, in business, in everything.  The return is in proportion to the personal investment.

My test with this particular high school football program proved that the Attitude Technique theory was valid.  Each player now had the chief ingredient to become successful in his coming life.  He understood it was easy to reach success by following this plan.  Yet at least 90 percent of people do not apply themselves to reach their goals, leaving the field wide open for those who will.




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