Fall 2016 Syllabus Print Print Version


Alistair M.S. Smith
College of Natural Resources

Email: alistair [at] uidaho.edu

Office: CNR 204C


Grading Assistant:



Before You Arrive for the First Day:

Required Forester Materials from Forestry Suppliers Inc:


These are required BEFORE the first lab. If you have your own, please make sure they meet the following minimum characteristics. If you do not own these items, please purchase them BEFORE arriving at the class. 


1 Silva Ranger Compass: Azimuth model, with sighting mirror, and declination adjustment screw. Typical cost: up to $45

1 Bullard Fire Helmet: We recommend a fire-fighter's helmet with Ratchet support. Typical cost: up to $45. This item is required for the STAND EXAM as it takes places on a working forest. Hard hats are not required during other labs.

1 x 50 foot Spencer Loggers Tape + nail: We recommend a 50' combination tape - this includes distance and diameter measurements. Typical cost: up to $40

A calculator with trigonometric functions.

Course Structure

The class format will include:

3 x 50 min Lectures

1 x 3 hour Lab (per section).


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:30-10:20 Lecture















Classroom: CNR 10

This course is 3 credits.


Assignments: Each assignment will be due on Monday at Midday in the departmental office (by Brenda Haener, CNR Room 203).  


Course Duration: Standard duration.


Labs: The 3 hour lab will consist of up to 3 hours of measurements outside. Although the "official room" is listed as CNR 25 all labs on campus will meet at the Shattuck Amphitheatre. The course will usually contain at least two field trips that will be off campus during this lab time.


Office Hours: Monday 1:30-3:00 (CNR 204C)


Books & Resources

Required Textbook (Purchase at UI Bookstore or Amazon.com):


          Forest Measurements by Avery and Burkhart, 5th Edition


Other Material that may be Helpful:

FREE Forest Sampling: Agricultural Handbook No. 232 (PDF)
FREE USDA Book on Sampling and Measurement Methods (PDF) 

Grading (A-F)

Assignments (450 / 575) 450
Quizzes  100
Lab Hand-ins  100
Stand Exam (individual) 200
Final Exam 150
Total 1000

Extra Credit Policy: Extra credit (maximum of 100) will only count towards your grade if you get at least a D in the course. i.e. Extra Credit can improve your grade but will not make you pass.

Grades: 90+ = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, etc This class rounds up but does not grade on a curve. Close grades (67s, 77s, etc) may be rounded up depending on attendance and effort at the discretion of the instructor.

Late Work Policy: Students can email the instructor for reasonable extensions to the deadlines. Otherwise, 10% will be deducted from the maximum score each day it is late (up to 50%). Work late past 5 days will be graded with the permission of the instructor up to the day of the final exam - these very late submissions will be graded at 50% deducted from the total possible score (i.e. there is no such thing as too late). However, no late work will be graded after the final exam has been taken.  

Cheating: Cheating and plagiarism will result in a F in the course and automatic referral of the case to the Department Chair and Dean of Students.