Guided independent learning - Interactive lessons on scientific graphics design


Major considerations for designing a graph of scientific data

What fundamental characteristics comprise an effective graph?

Is graphic design in science a matter of art and personal taste, or are there well defined conventions for the graphical presentation of scientific data?

How does the graphical presentation of scientific data influence the interpretation of the data?

How do graphs designed for printed publications differ from graphs prepared for oral and poster presentations, or electronic publications?

How do journal guidelines differ in their requirements for the graphical presentation of scientific data?

Interactive lesson*

Introduction to Scientific Graphics Design

Instructions for the lesson

Disable all pop-up blockers (if you see a "SumTotal Systems" screen (white background) and the interactive lesson does not load soon afterwards, then a pop-up blocker is still active
Use F11 (function 11) to maximize the browser window before the lesson is run
If the interactive lesson does not load edge-to-edge on your screen, reduce the size of the browser window slightly (see bottom right of browser status bar for zoon control)

*Access codes required | Disable all pop-up blockers | Windows OS & Media Player required | Review the Tips section for specific browser configuration



Julian date : Table | Calculator
Recommendations for output media
Recommendations and template for oral presentations [PowerPoint format | Open or "save as" to download]
Recommendations for poster presentations
Recommendations for presentations via video preferences


Additional tutorials
PowerPoint & and presentations tips: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Web authoring tools and tips