Soil 205 - The Soil Ecosystem


Student Expectations

Lecture Schedule


Lecture Images

Study Questions

Old Tests

Student Expectations

Spring 2013

Every student in SOIL 205 will be expected to adhere to the following rules and guidelines. Doing so will create a positive classroom setting and maximize the probability of success in this course.

1. Attend class on a regular basis. Very few students are able to do well in this course without attending class. In addition, part of the course grade will be based on in-class exercises and short quizzes.

2. Be seated and ready for class at 11:30 AM. Don't create a distraction by arriving after class begins.

3. Pay attention in class. Refrain from talking, using cell phones, texting, snoring, etc. – these activities are extremely distracting to others. Students violating this rule will be asked to leave. 

4. Read the assignments in the textbook, on the web, etc. and print out lecture images before coming to class.

5. Be an active and productive participant in team group projects.

6. Visit the instructor during office hours at least once (before Dead Week). (Make sure the instructor checks you off his list when you visit – doing so will count 10 points towards your course participation grade).

7. Make arrangements ahead of time to make up missed course material.