Rainbow and Hnkhwelkhwlnet

Ontological Bones:  

Snq-hepi-wes - "where the spirit lives, from horizon to horizon" (Coeur d’Alene) 

Ashammaléaxia - "as driftwood lodges" (Crow), or Chnis-teen-ilqwes - "I am part of all" (Coeur d'Alene)

Unshat-qn - "eye to eye" (Coeur d’Alene), also one of the miyp

Indigenous Reality is the transitory intersection of those participating, anchored to place-based teachings.


In Buddhism, you are awakened to the Ontological Reality - a state of process, of becoming, and is not made up of independent objects - it is as series of bardos or transitions, of anicca - "impermanent world," of events in interaction with the all others, of paticcasamuppada - each interdependent on others for its origination, all conventionally loosely bundled skandhas.



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