Mayan History III

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The Thousand Columns at Chichen-Itza.


The Mexican Period (900-1200 A.D.)

Mexican groups conquered Chichen-Itza during this period.  They introduced art and architectural features from their capital, Tula.   Warfare intensified throughout the northern region.  Most Puuc sites were abandoned by 1000 A.D.  The fall of the Mexican rule in Chichen-Itza signaled the end of the Mexican Period.


The Mexican Absorption (1200 - 1541 A.D.)

Chichen-Itza was abandoned and Mayapan became the dominate city. Warfare and tyranny reached epidemic proportions.  The ceremonial centers became real cities, and the quality and degree of detail in their art and architecture declined.  After Mayapan was destroyed, the Mayans were governed by small, warring independent chieftains.  The cultural decline continued until the Spanish Conquest in 1525 and 1541.

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